Masan High-Tech Materials reinforces steadfast commitment to sustainability

N.P.M 11:41, 06/06/2024

Masan High-Tech Materials, a pioneer enterprise in implementing sustainable initiatives in Vietnam, has been making significant progress in promoting the circular economy in the context of the global industries shifting toward green technologies. 


Facing challenges of climate change and global warming at an “unprecedented” pace, the mining industry is expected to step up further to minimize carbon emissions and optimize resources. Steadfast in pursuit of sustainable development, Masan High-Tech Materials, a world-leading manufacturer of high-tech materials focuses beyond the “Reduce - Reuse - Recycle” principle to sustainable innovation, applying advanced technologies to develop highly competitive products towards green manufacturing and better performance.
Energy optimization
Masan High-Tech Materials’ commitment to sustainability is, first and foremost, demonstrated through its focus on reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and implementing energy-saving initiatives throughout its global operations. The Company actively participates in energy transition programs launched by the Vietnamese government and ministries to reduce global energy consumption levels. In 2023, Masan High-Tech Materials collaborated with leading technology companies, universities and research institutes as part of the “Innovation for the Energy Revolution” program sponsored by the German government. Energy optimization is carried out at each plant but is also a global approach implemented throughout the material life cycle of the company's products.

In 2023, Masan High-Tech Materials conducted a greenhouse gas inventory and calculated emissions, implementing an energy-saving program across the company with 9 projects exceeding targets. Thai Nguyen operations in Vietnam achieved an estimated 14,409 GJ reduction in electricity consumption, equivalent to 973.4 tonnes of CO2eq. Over 2,000 trees were planted in waste dump areas, with 63.9 hectares of land being rehabilitated through the company’s environmental restoration programs.

Rehabilitation and restoration at Nui Phao mine
Rehabilitation and restoration at Nui Phao mine

Waste reduction and recycling enhancement

In addition to carbon reduction efforts, Masan High-Tech Materials has achieved significant results in waste reduction and recycling. The company implements waste segregation during operations for recycling into new product lines, with a recycling rate of over 30% of total waste. In 2023, 7.8 million m3 of wastewater were recycled for production, representing 76.1% of total water consumption in Vietnam. Waste recycling rates at plants worldwide are particularly high: about 56% of waste is recycled at the Goslar and Sarnia plants (Germany and Canada), and over 80% at the MTC plant (Vietnam).

“Masan High-Tech Materials is conscious that mineral resources are limited. For this reason, we are striving to achieve 'sustainable mining' by implementing the most advanced eco-friendly technology for the entire material sourcing and manufacturing process in a closed loop, from ROM ore extraction to the processing and recycling of high-tech materials,” said Mr. Craig Bradshaw, CEO of the Company. 

Masan High-Tech Materials continuously researches and develops new applications for tailings and waste streams in various industries to expand recycling capabilities, with a strong commitment to establishing a circular economy and sustainable production. The company carries out pilot projects to explore the possibility of secondary Tungsten supply sources in the future, while also collaborating on research projects in Brazil to recycle low-grade Tungsten tailings and industrial waste streams for cement production and other industries.

In 2023, Masan High-Tech Materials continued to maintain steadfast management policies while promoting operational restructuring and streamlining to optimize resources on the sustainable development journey. These efforts have been recognized, as Masan High-Tech Materials was honored as the "Top 100 Sustainable Enterprises in Vietnam" for the 6th consecutive year by the Vietnam Business Council for Sustainable Development (VBCSD) under the Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry (VCCI). The company was also voted as the "Top 10 Innovative and Efficient Enterprises" by Vietnam Research Business Corporation (Viet Research) and the "Top 50 Outstanding Vietnamese Enterprises in 2023" by Vietnam Report Joint Stock Company (Vietnam Report).