As a new school year arrives, the lively echoes of school bells resound, carrying with them determination and aspirations. Immersed in this cheerful atmosphere, on August 18, 2023, Nui Phao Company collaborated with the Provincial Promotion of Learning Association of Thai Nguyen to grant valuable scholarships to students facing challenging circumstances, through the 11th edition of the program 'Igniting Trust, Supporting Students to School - For Diligent Learning'.
The expansion of neighborhood roads up to 6 meters wide is a movement launched by the Standing Committee of Dai Tu District Committee, Thai Nguyen province, demonstrated in Resolution No. 07-NQ/HU dated May 10, 2023.
After over two years of implementing Resolution No. 01-NQ/TU dated December 31, 2020, issued by the Provincial Party Executive Committee regarding the Digital Transformation Program in the period 2021-2025, towards 2030, Thai Nguyen has achieved numerous accomplishments, including the digital economy pillar. Currently, the province has 324 digital technology enterprises.
On August 16, at Samsung Electronics Vietnam - Thai Nguyen Limited Company (SEVT), the launching ceremony of the voluntary blood donation program "Blood for Vietnamese 2023" phase 2 took place.
Implementing the Education and Training Development Program for the period of 2021-2025, the Department of Education and Training has actively advised the development of projects and plans and coordinated with other departments, agencies, mass organizations, and localities in effectively implementing the set targets.
Despite facing many difficulties and challenges, in July 2023, industrial production in the province showed signs of prosperity. The index of industrial production (IIP) in July increased by 8.96 percent over the previous month and by 3.13 percent over the same period in 2022.
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