Improve investment environment, promote growth

Trinh Phuong 09:25, 04/10/2023

With over 500 enterprises operating in various fields in the area, Song Cong City always focuses on improving the investment environment, creating favorable conditions for businesses to produce and do business effectively, creating jobs for workers, ensuring social security, and promoting local economic growth.

The automobile assembly factory of Van Dao Co., Ltd, with a scale of 1.5 hectares in Luong Son ward, creates jobs for 150 workers.

Mr. Ngo Quang Ba, Head of Song Cong City Economic Department, said, "To develop industry and services, Song Cong city has developed specific programs and plans so businesses have appropriate development orientations. Additionally, focus on maximizing the management and administration role of the Local Business Association in connecting businesses with the government and between businesses; create opportunities for businesses to introduce images and sell products through fairs and exhibitions; sign economic contracts and expand trade relations."

Song Cong City has effectively deployed the State's support policies, along with the government's open investment attraction mechanism and flexible management, in recent times, the production and business activities of the enterprises in the area have maintained good growth momentum. Several factories with large investment capital have completed construction and come into operation. By the end of August 2023, the total value of industrial production in the city is estimated to reach over 5,700 billion VND, an increase of 3 percent over the same period in 2022. In particular, the value of industrial production - handicrafts of local industry is estimated to reach over 3,100 billion VND, an increase of over 20 percent over the same period. The city has more than 20 newly registered businesses, attracting 2 investment projects in Song Cong I Industrial Park and Song Cong II Industrial Park; Nearly 1,000 new jobs were created.

In recent times, the production and business activities of the enterprises in Song Cong city have maintained good growth momentum.
In recent times, the production and business activities of the enterprises in Song Cong city have maintained good growth momentum.

In order to improve the investment environment, Song Cong considers administrative procedure reform as a key task, creating conditions for businesses to learn, research and invest in production and trade. In particular, the city focuses on reviewing and simplifying administrative procedures, especially those related to investment licensing and business registration, bidding, construction, issuance of land use rights certificates, conversion of land use purposes... ensuring publicity and transparency. The decisions on investment project planning are published on the Public Service Portal and other media, creating favorable conditions for businesses to quickly grasp and promptly resolve feedback and recommendations from people, organizations, and businesses about administrative regulations. At the same time, promote the application of information technology in receiving and processing documents at the One-Stop Department of the city, communes and wards.

Mr. Le Khac Duc, Deputy General Director of Van Dao Co., Ltd., said that the company deployed an automobile assembly factory with a scale of 1.5 hectares in Luong Son ward in 2021. During the project implementation process, we received support and facilitation from the local government, especially issuing certificates for land use rights and conversion of land use purposes. Thanks to that, the factory has been operating stably, creating jobs for 150 workers. Currently, the obstacles in site clearance to expand the scale of the factory to more than 3.9 hectares are being actively directed by the local government to be resolved.

With the motto of accompanying businesses, Song Cong City regularly reviews and improves the investment environment, promotes administrative reform and invests in building an increasingly perfect infrastructure system. That is also a solution that concretizes the policy of the Party Committee and the city government: "The growth of an enterprise is the resource contributing to ensuring social security of the locality".