Support members to develop collective economy

Luu Phuong 17:37, 30/09/2023

The Farmers Association of Phu Binh district has 22,000 members living in 20 association facilities. For the 2018-2023 term, the District People's Council has actively mobilized and supported members to participate in collective economic development. The initial success of cooperatives and cooperative groups has contributed to solving agricultural product output difficulties, helping farmers change their production thinking and increase income.

Hong Ky Agricultural Service Cooperative sells to the market 1,000-1,200 litres of soy sauce and more than 20 tons of rice.

Typical of the collective economic models that have successfully built agricultural value chains in Phu Binh district is Hong Ky Agricultural Service Cooperative (Uc Ky commune). The cooperative was established in 2020 with 22 members. In addition to its members, the cooperative also associates with 90 households in the commune to form a Thau Dau sticky rice growing area according to VietGAP standards with an area of 10 hectares to ensure the production of sticky rice and soy sauce.

Mr. Duong Van Duy, Director of Hong Ky Agricultural Service Cooperative, said: "During the process of establishment and development, we always received support from specialized agencies, especially at the Farmers Association at levels in training cooperative management knowledge and VietGAP production process. The District People's Committee has also actively supported the cooperative in issuing codes and barcodes and regularly introduces, promotes and supports product branding. In 2022, the cooperative will also be able to borrow 60 million VND from the Farmers Support Fund to renovate the facility and buy more raw materials for soy sauce production..."

To date, Hong Ky Agricultural Service Cooperative has 3 products, "Thau Dau Sticky Rice", "Uc Ky Soybean" and "Hong Ky Sticky Rice Soybean" that are recognized to meet 3-star OCOP standards. On average, each month, the cooperative sells to the market 1,000-1,200 litres of soy sauce and more than 20 tons of rice. The cooperative's products have been consumed stably in the store system in the province and many provinces and cities across the country. Recently, the Provincial Farmers' Association decided the product "Hong Hy Sticky Rice Soybean" to be selected as a typical agricultural product in 2023.

In addition to Hong Ky Agricultural Service Cooperative, in Phu Binh district, many cooperatives and cooperation groups are maintaining quite effective operations, such as Van Xuan Agricultural Cooperative, Tan Kim commune; Nga My Commune Cow Raising and Agricultural Production Services Cooperative; Duong Thanh Commune Horse Raising Professional Association; Tan Son 9 Fine Arts Wooden Furniture Production Professional Association in Xuan Phuong Commune... For the term 2018-2023, Phu Binh District People's Council has directed the establishment of 30 new collective economic models.

Ms. Duong Thi Luyen, Chairwoman of Phu Binh District People's Council, said: "To contribute to building a new rural district, economic support and mobilizing people to develop the collective economic model play an important role. Having determined that the Association has created the best conditions for cooperatives and professional associations to access preferential loans."

Accordingly, the entire district has 200 members of cooperatives and professional associations invested and borrowed over 6 billion VND through 15 projects from the Farmer Support Fund at all levels. Phu Binh District People's Committee also entrusted the Bank for Social Policies and the Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development to lend members capital to invest and develop production for 5,474 people with an outstanding loan of over 400 billion VND through 228 loan groups.

In addition, the Association also actively coordinates with branches, agencies and units in the area to organize training on transferring scientific and technical advances into production, providing agricultural materials to members by advance payment method. At the same time, coordinate with the district Post Office to sign a cooperation agreement to support farmers in digital transformation in the production and consumption of agricultural products and goods in Phu Binh district in the period of 2021-2025; put 15 products on the Postmart e-commerce trading floor...

These supports are the "leverage" to promote the development of the Association's emulation movements, typically the movement "Farmers emulate good production and business"... In the past 5 years, the whole district has had over 13,300 households registered for good production and business, of which 7,318 households achieved the title of excellent farmers in production and business at all levels; 614 members received help from good production and business households with capital, breeds, animal feed and labor days, with a total value of nearly 7 billion VND...