Issuing Implementation Plan for Thai Nguyen Provincial Master Planning for 2021-2030

Thuy Hang 15:09, 26/09/2024

On September 24, the Prime Minister of the Government of Vietnam issued Decision 1029/QĐ-TTg regarding the Implementation Plan for the Thai Nguyen Provincial Master Planning for the period 2021-2030, with a vision to 2050. This decision was approved based on the proposal from the Thai Nguyen Provincial People's Committee in Report 109/TTr-UBND dated August 29, 2024.

The central area of Thai Nguyen City. Photo: N.N.
The central area of Thai Nguyen City. Photo: N.N.

Accordingly, this implementation plan aims to effectively implement Decision No. 222/QĐ-TTg dated March 14, 2023, of the Prime Minister, which approved the Thai Nguyen Provincial Master Planning for the period 2021-2030, towards 2050 (referred to as the Plan); and to develop a roadmap for effectively organizing the implementation of programs and projects to achieve the set goals and tasks of the planning.

Regarding public investment, Thai Nguyen focuses on implementing infrastructure projects, particularly regional and inter-regional transport infrastructure.

The province will enhance the mobilization of non-budget capital sources to invest in completing socio-economic infrastructure, aiming to maximize the efficiency of public investment projects.

Thai Nguyen prioritizes the development of several industries with potential and strengths in the province, such as electronic and semiconductor industries, processing and manufacturing, mechanical engineering and metallurgy, agricultural and forestry product processing, mineral exploitation and processing, and garment industries.

The Plan also focuses on developing services and urban areas, financial and banking services, telecommunications, and logistics, attracting investors with strong financial capacity, skills, and experience to invest in tourist areas based on the province's advantages in resort and ecological tourism linked to history, culture, and spirituality.

Agricultural development will be oriented towards forming specialized regions linked to the development of ecological agricultural tourism and experiential tourism.

The estimated capital demand for overall social development, according to the province's growth scenario, is approximately 1,100 trillion VND.