Thai Nguyen: Number of tourists during a four-day holiday increases six-fold

07:50, 06/05/2022

During the recent four-day holiday (from April 30 to May 3), Thai Nguyen Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism estimated the number of tourists arrivals to Thai Nguyen surged, reaching more than 150,000, rising six-fold from last year.

Many tourist areas and destinations attract a large number of tourists, such as: Nui Coc lake eco-tourism area received more than 40,000 visitors; My House Ecological Area welcomed about 30,000 visitors; Dung Tan Trade and Tourism Center received over 25,000 visitors; Phuong Hoang cave - Mo Ga stream tourist welcomed 6,000 visitors… They mainly include tourists inside the province and some neighboring provinces and cities.

Total revenue from tourism across the province on this occasion is estimated at VND 50 billion, increasing ten times compared to last year.

A corner of the campsite at the South Nui Coc Lake eco-tourism area. Photo: T.H

The province has synchronously implemented solutions to restore and develop tourism as soon as tourism reopens, striving to welcome 1.3 million visitors in 2022. These are considered impressive beginnings, creating the development for Thai Nguyen tourism in the coming time.