Thai Nguyen to vaccinate nearly 167,000 children aged 5 to 12 years

11:42, 15/04/2022

As planned, in the second quarter of 2022, Thai Nguyen will vaccinate nearly 167,000 children from 5 to 12 years old. To ensure the campaign’s safety, the Thai Nguyen Provincial Center for Disease Control held the guiding program on the COVID-19 vaccination campaign for 5 to 7 years old children at health facilities in the province. 

The children will be injected with Pfizer or Moderna. These vaccine kinds for children have smaller amounts than for adults. Besides, the vaccine’s cover has changed compared to the adults’ vaccine. 

The Provincial Center for Disease Control has guided health facilities to conduct pre-vaccination screening; instructions for monitoring and handling anaphylaxis after injection; emergencies at the vaccination site…

Currently, Thai Nguyen is well prepared in terms of facilities and human resources so that when the vaccine arrives, it will immediately deploy the injection for children. Children from 5-6 years old are expected to be vaccinated last.