Thai Nguyen city speeds up construction of key projects

16:25, 13/03/2022

The Dynamic City Integrated Development Project – Thai Nguyen and Northern mountainous urban program – Thai Nguyen city have a significant total investment capital, VND 1,300 billion and over VND 1,282 billion respectively from World Bank. The contractors are mobilizing human resources and machines to work, taking advantage of the good weather to meet the projects' quality and progress. 

Split level junction of Thong Nhat and Viet Bac roads under the Northern mountainous urban program – Thai Nguyen city started in September 2021.

To speed up the construction to complete the above project in May, the investor requested the construction unit to mobilize human resources to work 03 shifts per day.

Huong Thuong road and bridge under the Dynamic City Integrated Development Project – Thai Nguyen. 

Bac Nam road category belongs to the Dynamic City Integrated Development Project – Thai Nguyen.

Mo Linh 1 Bridge was invested more than VND 100 billion, expected to be completed in October 2022. Its contractor is No. 18 Investment and Construction Joint Stock Company.

Mo Linh 2 Bridge has a total investment capital of more than VND 114 billion. Its volume currently is about 60 percent.

Phase 2 of Viet Bac Road Upgrading Project belongs to the Northern mountainous urban program – Thai Nguyen city. Contractor is speeding up its progress to complete in May 2022, as expected.