Korean enterprise hopes to invest in Thai Nguyen

12:05, 02/03/2022

On March 1, Mr. Trinh Viet Hung, Alternate Member of the Party Central Committee, Deputy Secretary of Thai Nguyen Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee, chaired an online meeting with the leader of DASAN Joint Stock Company (Korea) on an investment opportunity in the province (photo).

Mr. Hye-Young Jang, the company director, briefly introduced main business fields at the meeting. Accordingly, the unit is actives in constructing road traffic works and technological equipment. Currently, the unit is developing air purifiers capable of destroying the Coronavirus in space using Hydrogen water. The product has been patented and certified by the National Academy of Sciences (Korea). 

The company wishes to cooperate with an enterprise of the province to conduct a test run, proving its effectiveness. Then, the company will sign a cooperation agreement to establish a joint venture to assemble products before importing and distributing them in the Vietnamese market.

Speaking at the meeting, the Chairman congratulated and highly appreciated the product's usefulness and affirmed to create all the most favorable conditions for the company. 

The Chairman suggested that the unit closely cooperate with relevant departments and branches to complete administrative procedures according to Vietnamese law and soon propose investing in a production and assembly factory in the province.