Thai Nguyen city suspends activities and services to prevent and control COVID-19 pandemic

18:43, 21/02/2022

On January 20, Thai Nguyen city People's Committee issued a dispatch on strengthening measures to prevent and control the COVID-19 pandemic. 

Accordingly, the city requires offices, divisions, units, People's Committees of communes and wards, businesses, and service establishments to thoroughly understand, propagate widely, and promptly inform about the COVID-19 situation, strengthening the propaganda of the 5K message. 

The dispatch noticed to suspend some business and service activities, such as amusement parks, cinemas, video games, in-person dining... from 0:00 AM on February 21 until further notice and continue to stop karaoke, bars, and disco venues. 

Besides, schools in the city proactively set teaching and learning plans, combining offline and online teaching to ensure the safety of COVID-19 prevention and control and education quality.