Students return to school from February 7

17:09, 07/02/2022

From February 7, schools in the province welcome students to return to schools for face-to-face learning after Lunar New Year (Tet) holidays. 

According to local reports, from February 7, Dinh Hoa, Phu Luong, Phu Binh, and Vo Nhai districts resume direct learning for 100% of students. Song Cong City has 33 out of 37 educational institutions that re-open, while the remaining plan to open from February 9.

Pho Yen town organizes for children, students to go to school directly from February 8; Dai Tu, from February 9; Thai Nguyen City and Dong Hy district, from February 10.

Students, teachers, and staff working at schools and education-training facilities must strictly comply with the regulations on the medical declaration, pandemic prevention and control, and health examination before entering the classroom. According to regulations, boarding schools and these kitchens must ensure safety for pandemic prevention and control, food safety, and hygiene. The Department of Education and Training also requires education-training facilities to ensure hygiene, disinfection, and a reasonable schedule to help students review past lessons during the online teaching period. 

At the same time, Thai Nguyen University and Viet Bac High School also welcomed students back to study directly. All schools must carry out supervision, medical declaration and COVID-19 testing with students and teachers from other localities returning to Thai Nguyen. 

174 students, teachers, and staff are currently positive for COVID-19, including 22 teachers and staff (from February 1 to 7). Only 4 cases are being treated at the hospital, and the rest are being mainly treated at home. The vaccination rate for officials and teachers reached 99.64 percent for the 1st dose and 99.29 percent for the 2nd dose. The vaccination rate for high school students gained 99.6 percent for the 1st dose and 97.2 percent for the 2nd dose.