Thai Nguyen to use 5G on this December

03:56, 13/12/2021

This event marked further development of the province's telecommunications and information technology infrastructure. According to the plan, at the end of December 2021, Viettel Group will be the first enterprise to cover 5G network officially in Thai Nguyen. It is the content of concretizing the implementation of the Resolution and Plan of the province on digital transformation. Thai Nguyen Newspaper interviewed Mr. Vu Hong Quan, Director of Viettel Thai Nguyen, about this content.

Reporter: Firstly, would you like to explain why the 5G network is necessary to replace the current 4G network?

Mr. Vu Hong Quan: According to statistics from telecommunications companies and international telecommunications organizations, the total demand for mobile globally has steadily increased by about 45 percent over the years and is forecasted to increase by about nine times in 2026 (compared to 2020). With that forecast, the 4G network in the world is facing a high risk of congestion, and the 5G network will meet all those requirements.

Currently, 72 countries globally and three Southeast Asia countries have 5G networks. In Vietnam, Viettel Group has deployed 5G since 2019. To date, it has been covered in 12 provinces and cities and will be officially deployed in Thai Nguyen at the end of this December. The presence of the 5G network is a commitment of the province to ensure modern infrastructure to welcome investors worldwide. 

Reporter: What are the advantages of 5G compared to the current 4G network?

Mr. Vu Hong Quan: 5G network connection speed has faster than 4G network because of its comprehensive coverage is broader and advanced radio technology. At the same time, 5G also helps data download/upload speeds much faster.

Theoretically, 5G network technology can download data at a maximum speed of about 1 to 10GB per second, with a latency of only one millisecond. 

Reporter: With such advantages, in which fields can 5G be applied?

Mr. Vu Hong Quan: 5G can meet the Enhanced Mobile Broadband (eMBB) service in the early 5G network deployment stage. Large data rates characterize this service over a wide area, and users can use high-speed data-based services on terminals.

The second service is the Massive Machine-Type Communications (mMTC) that provides the internet of things (IoT) with highly subscriber density. This service can develop specific applications that 4G cannot meet, such as smart city, smart meter, logistics, and asset monitoring.

The third service is the Ultra Reliable Low Latency Communications (uRLLC) to meet latency and reliability requirements. 

Reporter: To meet the needs of 5G users, how has Viettel Thai Nguyen been implementing telecommunications infrastructure?

Mr. Vu Hong Quan: In 2019, 2020, and 2021, Viettel has conducted many testing and evaluation plans in terms of technical features, technology as well as the business of 5G services. We have covered 5G in 5 cities under the Central Government and are deploying it in 7 provinces for industrial development, including Thai Nguyen.

In Thai Nguyen, we will cover 5G this month with three base stations located in Thai Nguyen City and Yen Binh Industrial Zone. In 2022 and 2023, the unit will cover 5G in district centers, cities, towns, and residential areas, and industrial zones. 

Reporter: Thank you!