Thai Nguyen has 175 newly-established enterprises

17:10, 18/11/2021

In the first ten months of this year, the province had 715 newly-established enterprises, increasing 15 percent compared to the same period last year with a total registered capital of VND 7,323 billion. 

Thus, the average registered capital of a newly established enterprise is VND 10.2 billion, which increased nearly two times compared to 2020. Thai Nguyen City has 356 newly-established enterprises and total registered capital of VND 4.1 trillion, ranking first. 

The second-ranking locality is Song Cong City, with 87 enterprises, total registered capital of more than VND 1 trillion, and 899 employees. These numbers of Pho Yen are 107 enterprises, total registered capital of VND 978 billion, and 917 employees. In addition, 365 enterprises resumed their production and business. 

However, in the past ten months, 881 enterprises closed tax codes, increasing 120 enterprises. 518 enterprises ceased operation, an increase of 86 enterprises compared to the same period last year. By the end of October, the number of newly established and resumed enterprises was 1,080, and the number of enterprises closing tax codes and shutting down was 1,399.