Song Cong City invests over VND500 billion to improve traffic infrastructure

16:43, 26/11/2021

From 2020 to 2021, Song Cong city used over VND500 billion from different sources of funds to improve traffic infrastructure.

In particular, the city implemented seven projects to build, upgrade and renovate inner-city roads with about VND480 billion; 23 kilometers of rural road with a cost of over VND32 billion. Besides, the city also maintained traffic infrastructure works with a cost of VND5 billion.

In 2021 alone, the city has allocated over 4,000 tons of cement, mobilized people to donate over 7,200m2 of land, and over VND6 billion to build eight rural traffic works with a total length of more than 5 kilometers in Tan Quang, Binh Son, and Ba Xuyen communes. 

The traffic works not only meet the transportation needs but also contribute to promoting the local socio-economic development. In 2022-2025, Song Cong city is expected to mobilize about VND250 billion of non-budget capital to improve transport infrastructure.