Secretary of Provincial Party Committee works with Korean investor

17:22, 23/11/2021

On November 22, Ms. Nguyen Thanh Hai, Member of the Party Central Committee, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Head of the Provincial National Assembly Delegation, worked with the leader of Dongwha Vietnam Co., Ltd. (Dongwha Enterprise Group). 

At the meeting, Mr. Kim Myung Sik, General Director of Dongwha Vietnam Co., Ltd., gave an overview of the business’s operation over the past time. In particular, in phase 1, the Company invested USD 170 million to build Dongwha Vietnam Medium Density Fiberboard factory in Song Cong II Industrial Zone. The factory officially operated from August 2021  with a capacity of 300,000m3 per year. 

During the implementation of the Project, the Company received favorable conditions from the provincial government to remove difficulties so that its factory could soon come into operation. After researching, the company continues to expand the project to build a factory in phase 2 with a total investment of USD 500 million with an area of 50hectares. 

Speaking at the meeting, the Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee welcomed and thanked them for choosing Thai Nguyen as an investment destination. She emphasized Thai Nguyen province commits to accompany and create the most favorable conditions on the provisions of law for the Company to implement the new project with high efficiency.