Thai Nguyen has 475 new enterprises

08:32, 24/08/2021

Although facing the COVID-19 pandemic, from the beginning of this year to now, Thai Nguyen has 475 new enterprises, rising 84 enterprises compared to the same period, with the total registered capital of VND 4,746 billion.  

Producing garment goods for export at TDT Development and Invest Joint Stock Company, Phu Binh district

In recent times, the Provincial People's Committee has directed departments, branches, and localities to support business development according to regulations on COVID-19 prevention and control.

The province promotes administrative reform and improves the investment and business environment to improve the Provincial Competitiveness Index (PCI), the Provincial Governance and Public Administration Performance Index (PAPI).

To date, the province has over 7,900 enterprises with a total registered capital of over VND 108,319 billion and more than 238,900 workers.