Song Cong has strengths to attract investors

17:26, 03/08/2021

In recent times, Song Cong city used its potentials and strengths to attract investors, focusing on industry, trade, and services, promoting local socio-economic development, creating jobs, and increasing incomes for locals. 

Mr. Le Tri Vuong, Vice Chairman of Song Cong City People's Committee, said "Besides Song Cong 1 and Song Cong 2 industrial zones; synchronous transport system, connecting with some key economic regions nationwide, the city has also concentrated resources to build traffic infrastructure, industrial zones and clusters. In the past five years, the city has implemented 58 industrial, trade, and service infrastructure projects with a total capital of over VND 4,000 billion.

The city has made a list of 58 projects to call for investors. Every year, the city also organizes dialogue conferences with businesses and entrepreneurs to remove difficulties and organize trade fairs, create opportunities for companies inside and outside the province to introduce and sell products and sign economic contracts.

Mr. Hoang Trung Kien, Director of Song Cong City Land Development Center, shared that compensation and land clearance are consistently identified as key to attracting effective investment resources. In the last five years, the city has cleared over 750 hectares of land with a total cost of over VND 1,600 billion, including over 335 hectares of land for industrial zones and clusters; 113 hectares of land for urban and residential areas; over 36 hectares for the construction of transport and irrigation infrastructure. 

The system of supermarkets and commercial centers in Song Cong city is increasingly developing, meeting the needs of the people. The locals are shopping at Aloha Mall in Chau Son ward in the photo.

In Tan Quang commune with an area of  250 hectares for phase 1, Song Cong 2 Industrial Zone Project is a typical example. To date, over 90% of the cleared land has been handed over to the investors of 14 registered projects. So, the city proposed to the province to expand Song Cong II Industrial Zone to meet the needs of investors. 

Along with investment attraction, Song Cong city is also interested in the trade and service fields. To date, the system of supermarkets, trade centers, restaurants, community tourism tours has been increasingly developed, attracting some big corporations such as Vingroup, Danko, FLC, Onetech…). Currently, the city has four supermarkets, over 3,600 establishments, resellers; 38 transportation units; 50 hotels, restaurants.

For tourism development, the city has the advantages of the landscape of Ghenh Che lake, both sides of the Cong river, historical sites, traditional craft villages. The city has also invested resources to develop eco-tourism associated with experiential tourism. Some potential investors have been surveyed to invest in golf courses, resorts, and parks in Binh Son and Chau Son wards, opening up new opportunities for the city in the next period.

With the efforts in attracting investment, the economy of Song Cong City in recent years has made positive results. In 2018, the proportion of industry - construction accounted for 74 percent; trade and services accounted for 16 percent; agriculture, forestry, and fishery account for 10 percent. The ones of 2020 were 75.4 percent, 17.4 percent, and 7.2 percent. 

Other indicators also increased significantly, such as industrial production value, the export value of goods, or the average income. From the beginning of the year until now, the city has attracted nine investment projects in Song Cong I and Song Cong II Industrial Zones, established ten new enterprises, created new jobs for over 1,400 employees per year. 

With the achieved results, Song Cong City is considered a typical example of the province's investment attraction. In the coming time, the city will continue to perform well administrative reform, strengthen investment resources for infrastructure development, and expand the market for agricultural products inside and outside the province, thereby raising locals' incomes.