TNG revenue in first half increases by 29 percent

15:04, 07/07/2021

In June of this year, TNG revenue reached VND 622.5 billion, increased by 20 percent compared to the same period last year. The total revenue of the first six months this year gained nearly VND 2,400 billion, rising 29 percent compared to 2020 and exceeded the first half plan.

The effective prevention and control of the COVID-19 pandemic helped TNG and other enterprises continue receiving export orders. Besides, TNG has actively researched and diversified products such as masks, medical clothing for COVID-19 prevention, workwear…

Currently, TNG is operating at its total capacity to meet signed garment orders in the third quarter of 2021, investing in more modern production lines to improve productivity and products’ quality. In addition, the company is speeding up the progress of projects to expand its factories at Phu Binh and Song Cong.