The budget collection of the province increases 19 percent in first half

19:43, 24/07/2021

On July 22, the Provincial Tax Department held an online conference to summarize the tax collection for the first six months and implement the tasks and solutions for the last half of this year. Mr. Le Quang Tien, Deputy Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee, attended the conference.

With the flexible management solutions, the budget collection of the first six months this year reached VND6,482 billion, equal to 68 percent of the estimate assigned by the Ministry of Finance, increasing 19 percent compared to the same period last year. The land use fee collected VND5,092 billion, equal to 62 percent, rising 2 percent compared to the same period. 

As a statistic, the province has 11 out of 13 units and localities, which gained over 50 percent of the year plan. In particular, five localities reached over 70 percent of the year plan; 17 out of 18 types of tax revenue advanced over 50 percent of the year plan assigned by the Ministry of Finance. 

At the conference, the leaders of the Provincial Tax Department and the local Tax Offices focused on discussing and giving solutions for the budget collection for the last six months. 

Speaking at the conference, Mr. Le Quang Tien highly appreciated the efforts of the tax sector over the past time. He required the tax sector to continue to perform three key tasks with eight specific solution groups effectively. He hopes that the tax sector will strive to complete the 2021 budget collection at the highest level.

At the conference, Mr. Le Quang Tien authorized the State President, awarded the Third-class Labor Medal to Ms. Nguyen Thi Thu Thuy, Deputy Head of the Department of Organization and Cadres, the Provincial Tax Department for her outstanding achievements in the period 2015-2019. The Provincial Tax Department also gave unexpected rewards to 17 collectives and two individuals in the peak period of State budget collection and the prevention of budget loss in the first six months of 2021.