Focus on restructuring agriculture sector towards sustainability

14:26, 30/07/2021

That was a directive comment of Mr. Pham Hoang Son, Standing Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People's Council at the online Conference summarizing the implementation of Resolution No. 26 dated August 5, 2008, by the 10th session of Party Central Committee related to agriculture, farmers and rural areas. Attending the Conference were members of the Standing Board of the Provincial Party Committee, leaders of the Provincial People's Committee, representatives of relevant departments, branches, localities, and units.

After 13 years of implementing Resolution No. 26, Thai Nguyen has achieved important results in developing agriculture, farmers, rural area. The 2020's production value of agriculture, forestry, and fishery reached over VND14 trillion (increasing by over VND7,190 billion compared to 2008); production value of agricultural land for cultivation gained VND110 million per hectare (rising 66 million VND compared to 2008); the average income in rural areas reached VND42.49 million per person per year, growing five times higher than 2008.

The province has 108 new rural communes (accounting for 76%). In which, a commune gained 17.6 criteria on average; no communes below ten criteria. Phu Binh district has 100% of new rural communes. 

The online Conference is connected to all localities  

However, some limitations exist: Agricultural production is not sustainable; rural economic restructuring and farmers' lives in some places are still slow. 

At the Conference, the delegates focused on discussing the implementation results in some localities and developing agriculture, and building new rural areas in the coming time.

Concluding the Conference, Mr. Pham Hoang Son praised the above results. He required the Party committees, authorities at all levels, and relevant branches to effectively implement programs, projects, mechanisms, and policies related to agriculture, rural areas and restructuring the agricultural sector towards modernity and sustainability, developing agriculture in association with building new rural areas. In addition, he emphasized effectively use resources to accelerate the progress of the National Target Program on building new rural areas.