Speed up the implementation of urban and residential area projects

18:30, 12/06/2021

On June 8th, Mr. Le Quang Tien, Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee has just chaired a meeting with departments, branches and localities on the review of residential area projects in Thai Nguyen province to conduct bidding and auction to collect revenue for 2021 budget.

Thai Nguyen province has 31 residential area projects that have implemented bidding process to select investors and 1 project has conducted an auction to select investors. These projects have just finished compensation for land clearance, some of them have been invested in infrastructure, land allocation and granting of land use rights. However, the order and procedures for implementing these projects have not been consistent, some of them are facing obstacles in settlement and handing over infrastructure. 

Urban Area No 11 at Gia Sang ward, Thai Nguyen city is one of 31 urban and residental areas with non-budget capital has finished bidding process to select investors. Currenlty, Thai Nguyen city is implementing its land clearance. 

At the meeting, representatives of departments, branches and localities raised a number of difficulties and obstacles in the process of implementing urban and residential projects with non-budget capital. 

Concluding the meeting, the Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee affirmed that the projects of urban and residential areas implemented with non-budget capital have reduced the burden on the state budget and increased transparency in the real estate market, so he asked localities to urgently review the bidding progress to submit to functional departments and agencies, and report to the Provincial People's Committee on the soonest time.