Solving difficulties of public investment capital from foreign sources

10:30, 16/06/2021

To assess the disbursement of public investment capital from foreign resources in the first five months of 2021, on June 14, the Ministry of Finance held an online meeting with the Ministries, sectors, provinces and cities across the country. Mr Le Quang Tien, Vice Chairman of Thai Nguyen Provincial People's Committee, presided over the Thai Nguyen bridge point.

In the first five months of the year, the disbursement rate of public investment capital from foreign sources across the country was only nearly 2% compared to the assignment of the Government. 37 out of 63 provinces and cities have not disbursed public investment capital from foreign sources, including Thai Nguyen. 15 out of 63 provinces have gained the rate of over 3 per cent. At the meeting, the delegates have pointed out reasons such as the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, difficulties on land clearance...
Thai Nguyen has been implementing some projects using public investment capital from foreign sources. From the beginning of this year until now, the disbursement mission faced many difficulties and obstacles.

At the meeting, Mr Le Quang Tien said that the province would continue to direct investors to accelerate land clearance and construction, prepare payment documents according to regulations and request contractors to deliver on time. At the same time, he has required the relevant ministries and branches to solve the problem related to the capital disbursement plan.

In conclusion, Deputy Minister of Finance Tran Xuan Ha has outlined three solutions for the investors' governing body, specialized agencies, and investors. His opinion is to prioritize projects that can be disbursed in 2021. Besides, he has reaffirmed that localities can actively adjust the capital between projects within their jurisdiction.