Pay attention to cultural institutions in industrial zones and clusters

11:11, 30/06/2021

To create a basis for building and perfecting the Strategy on Viet Nam’s tourism development until 2030 and the Tourism Development Action Program for the 2021-2025 period, on June 29, the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism organized the national online conference to get opinions on these two contents. The Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism leader, relevant departments, and sectors attended to Thai Nguyen bridge point (photo).

On the Draft of the Strategy on Viet Nam’s tourism development until 2030, Prime Minister has determined the main development targets such as 100% of ministries, branches, and localities effectively implement the codes of conduct in specialized fields; all local and district administrative units have cultural, and sports centers; 100% of commune-level administrative units have cultural houses; all provinces and cities have provincial-level museums and libraries; UNESCO recognizes at least five tangible and intangible cultural heritages. 

On the Draft of the Tourism Development Action Program for 2021-2025 period, the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism has set out critical tasks such as summarizing, evaluating, and perfecting institutions and policies for tourism development; applying modern science and digital technology; investing in the development of infrastructure systems; boosting tourism products and service quality management; supporting tourism businesses to recover and develop in the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic.

After researching, the province has commented on these contents: Cultural development strategy should pay attention to formulating tasks and solutions for the development of local cultural and sports institutions, especially in industrial zones and clusters and applying digital applications, building typical tourism products to create a chain of links in the region and the whole country in tourism development.

Recently, Thai Nguyen province has approved the Scheme for tourism development for 2021-2025, vision to 2030. This specific action aims to tourism development in the coming time.