Economic growth rate to increase 6.5 percent in first half

08:54, 24/06/2021

According to the General Statistics Office of Viet Nam's evaluation, the economic growth rate of the province is estimated at 6.5 percent, rising 2.74 percent compared to the same period last year and will be higher than its average of the whole nation. 

Economic growth is a general target annually evaluated by the General Statistics Office of Viet Nam. This target is the basis to help Government and localities give policies and solutions to develop socio-economy. 

The growth index is also used to measure the economic health of the country and each locality. In Thai Nguyen, the construction and industrial sectors are estimated at 3.93 percent as the most contribution. Next will be service, contributing approximately 2.07 percent. Agriculture, forestry, and fishery sectors rank third with 0.49 percent. These results will show that Thai Nguyen performed well with the dual goal of containing the pandemic and developing the economy. 

 Mr. Trinh Viet Hung, Alternate Member of the Central Party Committee, Deputy Secretary of Thai Nguyen Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of Thai Nguyen Provincial People's Committee, checks the progress of Prolong Bac Son Road project. 

In the first six months of 2021, the industrial production value of Thai Nguyen province is estimated at over VND 361 trillion, rising 8.65 percent over the same period and reaching over 43 percent of the year plan. The export value could increase by 13.51 percent over the same period and is estimated at over USD 13.4 billion. 

The COVID-19 pandemic in the province is under control. Production is developed, so the budget revenue target in the first six months increased by 11.81 percent over the same period, reaching VND 7,240 billion. The disbursement progress of projects using the budget investment capital has been implemented until the end of June 2021. To date, its result gained 60 percent. It is also a significant contributing factor to the province's GRDP growth. 

All levels and sectors have deployed poverty reduction and social security. As a result, the situation of security, social order, and safety continues to be stable. The administrative reform is focused on leading, directing, and creating positive changes.
The province has controlled well the COVID-19 pandemic. Many individuals, groups, philanthropists inside and outside the area supported over VND 42 billion to prevent and fight against the pandemic. 

The above results are due to the unified, thorough, creative, and drastic direction and administration of the Party committees and authorities at all levels. The people and businesses agreed upon and ready to share with government decisions that unified the common interests.