Thai Nguyen Newspaper receives press equipment

14:37, 19/05/2021

On the afternoon of May 18th, at Thai Nguyen Newspaper Office, the representative of Nui Phao Mineral Mining and Processing Co., Ltd presented a Sony 4K camcorder worth over VND100 million.

The reporter of Thai Nguyen Newspaper is using newly presented equipment.

In Mr. Nguyen Ngoc Son' speech, the Editor-in-Chief of Thai Nguyen Newspaper acknowledged and thanked the company's companionship and support with Thai Nguyen Newspaper in propaganda and social activities such as press conferences, Thai Nguyen Newspaper sports awards, gifts to policy families... Thai Nguyen Newspaper currently is promoting digital transformation, paying attention to developing multimedia journalism in 3 languages (English, Vietnamese, Chinese). Therefore, the company's support is necessary and meaningful for Thai Nguyen Newspaper, creating good conditions for reporters to work more effectively.

A panorama photo of Nui Phao Mineral Mining and Processing Factory in Ha Thuong commune, Dai Tu district.

Since the company started its operation in the province, Thai Nguyen Newspaper has closely coordinated and promoted propaganda on production, business, and other activities. The newspaper has built a business section named "Masan High-Tech Materials", assigning reporters to be in charge of propaganda to inform multi-view on the company's activities related to compensation, land clearance, resettlement, environmental protection.

In the last five years alone, Thai Nguyen Newspaper has published nearly 500 news, articles and photos, reflecting quite comprehensively on the company, including the exploitation and production activities; the spiritual life of officers, employees; advantages, difficulties; proposals to relevant functional sectors. Thereby, it made an essential contribution to the fast, solid and sustainable development of the company.