Prevent illegal entry and exit

11:34, 17/05/2021

In recent time, illegal entry and exit in Thai Nguyen and other provinces were quite complicated. To prevent and control COVID-19 pandemic and ensure the order and safety of the upcoming election of deputies to the 15th National Assembly and People’s Councils at all levels for the 2021-2026 tenure, Thai Nguyen police has been carrying out many solutions to prevent illegal entry and exit. 

Accordingly, the Provincial Police opened a peak of crime attack, preventing illegal entry and exit from March 15th to June 15th. They required the functional offices and local police forces to manage foreigners' accommodation activities, detecting and handling the foreigners entered illegally into the province.

In order to prevent the illegal entry and exit activities, the functional units strengthened the propaganda and dissemination of the law to improve the people's awareness; expanding to patrol and control the paths and aisles; capture and check residence information to timely detect the foreigners staying illegally in here as well as collaborating with the departments, branches and units to scrutinize the companies and units related to the entry and exit to detect and promptly handle violations of regulations.
The province has over 2,730 foreigners (legal entry), including over 1,800 foreigners who come here from the beginning of this year. From March 15th to now, the Immigration Management Team have intensified the stay inspection for all apartment buildings. However, no cases have been detected. 

Illegal immigration is hazardous, quickly causing the risk of the COVID-19 pandemic spread, therefore, the functional forces actively have grasped the crime activities on brokering people who illegally enter and exit, promptly detecting, preventing, arresting and strictly handling the subject of the violation. Mr Diep Van Vinh, Head of Investigation and Security Office (the Provincial Police), said that the office coordinated with professional departments and police of districts, cities and towns to grasp the situation and fight these crimes. From the beginning of the year to now, the office has investigated and clarified that 4 cases including a Vietnamese helped 19 people to entry illegally and  3 Vietnamese people exited illegally. To date, the office issued decisions to prosecute 3 cases, investigating 1 case with 2 subjects.

For example, in mid-April, the Investigation and Security Office prosecuted the case, the accused and banned to be disappeared from residence for La Van Hoa, born in 1987, living in Tien Phong hamlet, Duc Luong commune, Dai Tu district who was guilty of keeping foreigners in Viet Nam illegally. According to the investigative documents, from mid-November 2020, La Van Hoa contacted with a Chinese person and agreed with Toan Van Tuan, born in 1987, living in Trung Tam hamlet, Duc Luong commune to let some Chinese people live in Tuan's house. From 4th to December 11th, 2020, Hoa guided, showed directions, rented a vehicle and prepared living conditions for the above Chinese group. On the evening of December 11th 2020, Duc Luong Commune Police inspected Tuan's house, found out 3 Chinese men without immigration papers and make a handling record. Then, they are being quarantined.

In the coming time, it is forecasted that the crime on organizing the illegal entry and exit will still be complicated, so the Provincial Police will continue to synchronously implement measures to grasp the situation, fight to eliminate the illegal lines, thereby, promptly detect, prevent, arrest and strictly handle violators. At the same time, the Provincial Police will coordinate with functional units to strengthen propaganda, dissemination and education about the immigration law, the State regulations on COVID-19 pandemic prevention and control, mobilizing the residents to raise vigilance, proactively providing  information, denouncing crimes to maintain stable political security, local social order and safety.