Nguyen Binh’s economy increases thanks to labor export

17:10, 19/05/2021

"Labor export hamlet" is the nickname that the people in Thanh Dinh commune (Dinh Hoa district) give to Nguyen Binh hamlet because of the most significant number of people working abroad in the commune. Thanks to labor export, the face of the countryside here has changed a lot, people's lives are increasingly improved.

When we came to Nguyen Binh hamlet, we surprised that this land has a modern and spacious rural setting. On both sides of over 1km long road running along with the hamlet are high-rise houses, many of which are villas. Pointing to the rows of spacious houses, Mr. Nguyen Duc Muon, Secretary of the hamlet Party Committee was excited: Nguyen Binh hamlet has 142 households with 450 people, in which ethnic minorities (Tay, Dao, Nung, San Chi) accounted for 38%. Previously, people's lives were difficult because they were based on agricultural and forestry production with only 3 hectares of farmland, 13 hectares of tea, and 5 hectares of forest land. Many people worked for hire everywhere in and out of the province, but their lives were still inadequate. In recent years, thanks to labor export, life in Nguyen Binh has changed a lot. Labor export has opened up a new direction in economic development and increased income for people. Many laborers belonging to poor households have escaped poverty and become rich and well-off households.

Talking with Mr. Muon, we know that around 2015 in the hamlet, some people choose labor export to change their life. The labor export movement has developed enormously in Nguyen Binh since 2018. Currently, the whole hamlet has about 30 people working in Taiwan (China), Japan and more than 20 people have returned. Many households have 2-3 members going to work abroad. The positive results from labor export have helped the hamlet's socio-economic development more and more prosperous. From nearly 50% of poor and near-poor households in 2016 up to now, Nguyen Binh hamlet has only two poor households and ten near-poor households, the number of wealthy households is increasing. Even Mr. Muon's family has three children who have been working abroad. After three years of working in Japan, Mr. Nguyen Huy Hoang, his second son, bought land to open a shop selling furniture near the center of the commune and purchased a car as a means of transporting goods.

Like Mr. Muon's family, Mr. Nguyen Van Dinh's family also has a son and his wife working in Taiwan(China). Mr. Dinh shared that after more than two years of working, they sent money for him. He paid off VND300 million loan to work abroad, built a spacious house, and saved money for his son.

From the beginning of this year to now, despite the complicated situation of the COVID-19 pandemic in many countries worldwide, Nguyen Binh hamlet still has eight people going to work abroad. In late May, there will be three more people to work in Taiwan. Mr. Ma Dinh Truong, Chairman of Thanh Dinh Commune People's Committee, said that Nguyen Binh hamlet and other hamlets in the commune also have people working in Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan (China). From 2018 to now, the commune has 22 people who have been going to work abroad through the Employment Service Center (Department of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs), and about 50 people supported by companies and centers outside the province. After returning home, many households have built spacious houses, invested in animal husbandry, production and business, and their lives are getting better. In addition, many returnees also actively contribute to construct local cultural works and actively support the new rural construction program.

Through the example of Nguyen Binh hamlet, it can be seen that labor export has brought positive results, directly contributing to the development of the locality and raising people's income. It can be affirmed that if the Party and State's policy on labor export is well implemented, sending people abroad to work is a way to reduce poverty quickly and sustainably for difficult hamlets and and villages.