May reminds us of Uncle Ho

11:12, 20/05/2021

In the historic days of May, the whole nation remembers President Ho Chi Minh's birthday with infinite respect and gratitude. And for the people of Diem Mac commune (Dinh Hoa district), this May is even more special, because 74 years ago (April 20, 1947), President Ho Chi Minh chose this area as the first place to live and work, directly lead the war against the French colonialists when Uncle Ho came to ATK Đinh Hoa.

Near the birthday of President Ho Chi Minh, Mr. Ma Dinh Bien, Secretary of the Ban Quyen Party cell and the collective of party members in the village held a solemn ceremony to offer incense and report achievement at the relic of President Ho Chi Minh in Khau Ty hill. Among tasks, the essential content is to report to Uncle Ho on the progress of the election of deputies to the 15th National Assembly and People's Councils at all levels for the 2021-2026 term. Mr. Bien shared: Khau Ty hill relic is the great pride of local people. Every holiday or important political event, we come to burn incense and report to Uncle Ho.

Khau Ty is considered the first "Presidential Palace" of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam at ATK Dinh Hoa. 74 years ago, on the night of the 19th and early morning of May 20th, 1947, President Ho Chi Minh and eight guardsmen came to Diem Mac commune. He stayed at the stilt house of Mr. Ma Dinh Tuong, former Chairman of the Resistance Administrative Committee of Dinh Hoa district. The following day, he moved to a small shack on top of Khau Ty hill. This place is very convenient for revolutionary activities because there were high terrain, bushy trees and trails to Quang Nap, Son Duong (Tuyen Quang), down to Dai Tu and Phu Luong districts, Cho Don district (Bac Kan). Uncle Ho lived and worked at Diem Mac from May 20th to November 1947. Here, he wrote the famous work “Change the way of working" and the poem "Late Scene". 

Ms. Do Thi Nha Trang, a guide of the Management Board of ATK Dinh Hoa, enthusiastically introduced to us important historical artifacts and documents about the life and career of President Ho Chi Minh in a 5-room stilt house at the foot of Khau Ty hill. Then she led us along the path shady with palm trees and old trees to the small shack where Uncle worked at the top of the hill. From here, we can see the green rice fields and Dinh stream hidden in the distance. "For many years, this place has always had a staff in charge of cleaning and guiding tourists to visit and learn about history" Ms. Trang added.

The roads in Diem Mac commune are concretized to create favorable conditions for production.

We have been to Diem Mac commune many times. We impress with the beautiful rural scenery and the people's awareness of protecting their environment. Even in Ban Quyen village, most families actively build tanks or have collection bins, so there is no waste on the road or production area. The grounds of historical sites are always clean and retain the natural landscape. Mr. Phung Van Dang, Chairman of Diem Mac Commune People's Committee informed: The commune strengthens propaganda and mobilizes people to preserve the original landscape at the relic sites, especially protecting palm forests - the typical image of ATK Dinh Hoa. In addition to the staff of the Management Board of ATK Dinh Hoa in charge of national monuments, at odd relic sites, the commune assigns mass organizations and schools to regularly clean and organize extracurricular activities to educate the tradition.

Following the instructions of the Chairman of the Commune People's Committee, we drove motorbikes slowly on the concrete roads in the hamlets of Binh Nguyen, Phung Hien, Dong Vinh, Ban Bac and Dong La. The rice fields, green tea fields and the enthusiastic production of the people created a bright new rural picture. Mr. Ma Dinh Soan, Former Secretary of Diem Mac Commune Party Committee may be the person who best understands the change of his hometown. He said: The socio-economic conditions of Diem Mac commune are much different from the previous period. The roads are concretized; the production is mechanized step by step to release manual labor. Despite being one of the poor communes, the average income in Diem Mac commune is over VND30 million per person per year, many households earn hundreds of VND millions from tea or services...

Right on the birthday of President Ho Chi Minh in 2020, the Party Committee of Diem Mac commune held the XXV Congress, term 2020-2025. It is a reminder and gratitude to the beloved leader of the nation. A new term has begun. Despite having difficulties with the revolutionary tradition, the solidarity of the Party Committee and government and the people's consensus, Diem Mac will certainly create a stronger bounce as expect of the beloved Uncle Ho.