Exhibition on President Ho Chi Minh at ATK Dinh Hoa

17:25, 14/05/2021

On May 13, at the ATK Dinh Hoa exhibition hall, the Management Boards of the ATK Dinh Hoa revolutionary base relic site and the Ho Chi Minh historical relic site in Ha Noi held an exhibition to display the documentary photos on President Ho Chi Minh with the topic “Studying and following President Ho Chi Minh’s ideology, morality and style” in the run-up to the 131st anniversary of President Ho Chi Minh’s birth (May 19, 1890); 74 years since President Ho Chi Minh, the Party Central Committee, and the Government moved to ATK Dinh Hoa to lead the resistance war against French colonialists (May 20, 1947), and 110 years since Ho Chi Minh left the country to seek ways for national salvation (June 5, 1911).


Its main contents divided into two parts, including “President Ho Chi Minh – An exemplary moral example” and “ATK Dinh Hoa, a “red” address for revolutionary tradition education”. 133 of 188 displayed documentary photos this time come from the Ho Chi Minh historical relic site at Presidential Palace. The exhibition is designed to give visitors an insight into the life and revolutionary career of President Ho Chi Minh, honor his enormous contributions to the Party, the country, and the international communist and workers’ movements, and reflect the Vietnamese people’s gratitude to and worldwide peoples’ respect for him.

Outstanding items on display include a photo of Nguyen Ai Quoc, the then name of Ho Chi Minh, and his French comrades in 1923; a letter he sent to Jean Ajalbert, a journalist with many articles about Vietnam on French newspapers, on August 3, 1919; and a photo of President Ho Chi Minh and delegates to the international conference for solidarity with the people of Vietnam against the US invasion at the Presidential Palace on November 30, 1964.

The display will last through June 30, ensured the regulations of COVID-19 prevention.