COVID-19 vaccination in districts’ hospitals

08:57, 06/05/2021

Hospitals and health centers at district level have started the COVID-19 vaccination since May 4th. Medical staffs at all level in the province; people involved in COVID-19 prevention campaign including: members of the COVID-19 Steering Committees, staffs working at quarantine areas or epidemiological investigation, volunteers...).

Thai Nguyen was granted 10,400 doses and 400 additional doses for the police force. Among them, Thai Nguyen Central Hospital has injected about 1,800 doses. Other hospitals including A Thai Nguyen, C Thai Nguyen and Gang Thep have injected more than 1,600 doses. The remaining doses will be injected in district hospitals.

To ensure vaccination safety, the health centers at district level have prepared good facilities and human resources. They have received all vaccine doses from CDC Thai Nguyen and now are preserving them following the regulations. In addition, these units have strictly reviewed the people who are going to receive vaccine, transparently public the list following the guidelines of the State Government and Ministry of Health. 

The COVID-19 vaccination in districts will be finished by May 15th. The second shot will be injected from 4 to 12 weeks after the first one or right after receiving the vaccine from the Ministry of Health.