162 establishments, enterprises employing foreign laborers

17:31, 31/05/2021

To prevent and control the COVID-19 pandemic in the establishments, industrial zones and clusters, from the end of May, Thai Nguyen Department of Labor, War Invalid and Social Affairs reviewed the establishments, enterprises employing foreign laborers in the province. 

The result shows that the province currently have 162 establishments, enterprises employing foreign laborers with the total number of 940 laborers. 100% of them were licensed or confirmed to work without licenses. 

Accordingly, there are more than 630 foreign laborers working in 74 establishments and enterprises in industrial zones. In particular, Diem Thuy Industrial Zone has 51 companies, employing more than 320 foreign laborers; Song Cong 1 has 13 companies, nearly 30 laborers; Song Cong 2 has 1 company with 24 laborers; Yen Binh has 7 companies, nearly 260 laborers; Nam Pho Yen has 2 companies, 4 laborers.

Besides, the province also has 88 establishments and enterprises related to foreign laborers, employing more than 300 laborers outside the industrial zones. 

According to statistics, Samsung Electronics Vietnam Thai Nguyen Co., Ltd hires the most foreign laborers with 167  laborers; Nui Phao Mineral Mining and Processing Co., Ltd has 70; Samsung Electro Mechanic Vietnam Co., Ltd has 46. 

Most enterprises employing foreign laborers obey and cooperate with local authorities in the prevention and control of COVID-19 pandemic, strictly complying with 5K regulations.