To open GO! Thai Nguyen - the modern and largest shopping center of Central Retail Group in Vietnam

07:21, 12/04/2021

That information was given by the representative of Central Retail Group (Thailand) at the meeting with Mr Trinh Viet Hung, Alternate Member of the Party Central Committee, Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee in the afternoon of 12th April. 

At the meeting, Mr Philippe Broianigo, CEO of Central Retail Group, the investor of GO! Thai Nguyen, known as BigC Thai Nguyen said that GO! Thai Nguyen is currently the largest and modern shopping center of Central Retail Group in Vietnam. On April 15th, the Group will test the opening ceremony. Within 15 days, if there are unreasonable points, the Group will conduct the corrections.

To bring many benefits to Thai Nguyen people, right from the beginning of the project, the Group has surveyed and carefully researched people's consumption habits to provide the suitable and quality products at the most reasonable price. That is also the business motto of the Group. Besides, when coming to GO! Thai Nguyen, the people, also experience the best entertainment services. The Group has initially agreed with the departments, functional branches and production facilities in the province to sell 50 agricultural products at this center. The Group will arrange the floor surface of 300m2 to introduce and sell more than 20 provincial cooperatives' agricultural products.

Also, at the meeting, the representative of Central Retail Group proposed to the province continue to support the Group to solve some minor problems before GO! Thai Nguyen officially opened, including the lighting power, land clearance. Besides, Mr Philippe Broianigo also expressed his wish to support the province and city to organize fairs, exhibitions, job exchange. On this occasion, the Group also proposed to support three computer labs for three secondary schools in the province. 

Appreciating the investors' efforts and supports of Central Retail Group, the Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee affirmed that Thai Nguyen always pays attention and creates the best conditions for investors to feel secure in operating, expanding the production and business. For the investor's proposals, he assigned Thai Nguyen City People's Committee to coordinate with some departments and branches of the province to solve immediately, to complete before April 15th. He asked the City People's Committee to continue to carry out propaganda and mobilization to create a consensus and apply administrative measures on land clearance. In the necessary cases, the coercion shall be exercised, according to the provisions of law.
The project to build GO! Thai Nguyen in Tan Lap ward, Thai Nguyen province has a total investment of VND 400 billion, started construction in April 2020. It is expected to attract about 300 investors to open branches, product distribution stores, creating jobs and stable income for about 800 employees. It is known that Central Retail is the leading multi-model retail Group in Thailand, Vietnam and Italy, operating in three main fields, including fashion, home appliances and food. The Group started its business in Vietnam in 2012 in the fashion industry. To date, the Group has gradually become the largest multidisciplinary retailer with foreign investment in Vietnam, with nearly 250 stores and 33 shopping centers in 37 provinces and cities nationwide.