To continue to research and survey the project of the ecotourism, resort and sport area in Dai Tu

11:06, 09/04/2021

On April 8th, Mr Trinh Viet Hung, Alternate Member of the Central Party Committee, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee chaired over the meeting with STC Golden Land Real Estate Investment Joint Stock Company (Golden Land). 

At the meeting, Golden Land reported the plan to invest in the ecotourism, resort and sport area located in Quan Chu town and Cat Ne hamlet, Dai Tu district including community resort, public sports and fitness area (golf), green tree area, luxury resort. This project is in line with the general development orientation of Nui Coc lake region... The main spaces are designed based on the factors of human, indigenous culture and landscape as premises, minimizing their impacts to the topography and natural environment.

Speaking at the meeting, the Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee required the departments, sectors and branches to continue to support Golden Land based on their comments and proposals after this meeting. He also required Dai Tu district to soon complete the functional subdivision planning of 1/2,000 scale to serve the next steps.