Accepting 60 units to employ foreign laborers

15:16, 06/04/2021

In the first 3 months of 2021, Thai Nguyen Department of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs accepted 60 units to employ foreign laborers. Among them, 6 units were approved to change or supplement their laborers. 

Along with that, the Department licensed 37 foreign laborers including 19 new licenses, 18 reissued licenses. Besides, the Department submitted to the Provincial People's Committee to agree with the proposals of 2 contractors on employing foreign laborers. 

To ensure safety for businesses and employees, functional offices of the Department of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs instructed 17 enterprises to rebuild the labor regulations; received 8 dossiers on collective labor agreement, informed 3 enterprises to register labor regulations; considering to solve the newly registered labor regulations of 5 enterprises, verified dossiers and submitted the Provincial People's Committee to issue licenses for labor re-leasing and confirmed the equipment of 3 units had satisfied the labor safety.