Total registered investment capital gains over VND 108 thousand billion

16:56, 18/03/2021

After the provincial investment promotion conference in 2018 to now, 41 registered investors are deploying 51 projects in the province dealing in the industry (14 projects); agriculture (3 projects); trade and services (13 projects); traffic and urban infrastructure (13 projects); Health, Education, Information Technology (4 projects); environment sanitation (4 projects). To date, the total registered investment capital gain over VND108 thousand billion.

Currently, 28 out of 51 projects have completed investment procedures (investment policy decision, investment certificate, decision approving bidding results), with a total registered capital of VND7,719 billion. The remaining 23 projects are in the final stage of completing the procedures to submit to competent authorities for decision. Up to now, investors have disbursed VND6,433 billion, mainly under 28 projects that have completed investment procedures.

Some projects face obstacles and difficulties that affect their progress, such as the project within enormous land acquisition scope and specific factors should consult of the Government, ministries and central branches; some projects related to forest land or hydropower sub-sector planning; Scope of research, proposals overlap with projects that have approved for investment policy.

To solve difficulties, obstacles, speed up projects, and fulfilling commitments to investors, relevant departments and branches focus on several critical solutions: Completing the planning, paying attention to administrative reform, creating the most favorable conditions for investors; do land clearance well....