Chairman of Thai Nguyen Provincial People’s Committee works with FLC Group

16:43, 17/03/2021

On the afternoon of March 16th, Mr. Trinh Viet Hung, the alternate member of the Central Party Committee, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of the People's Committee of Thai Nguyen Province presided over the meeting with FLC Group Joint Stock Company about the implementation progress of projects that the Company had proposed to invest in the province. Leaders of departments: Construction, Planning and Investment, Natural Resources and Environment, Agriculture and Rural Development; leaders of the People's Committee of Thai Nguyen City, Phu Luong district, Song Cong city attended the meeting.

After the provincial investment promotion conference in 2018, FLC Group Joint Stock Company (FLC) proposed to invest in 7 projects in Thai Nguyen’s districts and cities, including: FLC Thai Nguyen Residential, Entertainment and Resort area (about 1,525 hectares in Phuc Xuan commune); Linh Son - Huong Thuong New Urban Area (about 545 hectares in Linh Son and Huong Thuong, Thai Nguyen City); Chau Son New Urban Area (about 178.6 hectares in Chau Son ward, Binh Son commune); Pho Co Urban Area (about 177.3 hectares in Pho Co ward, Song Cong city); Vo Tranh Multi-purpose Cultural Complex and Ecological Urban Area (about 218 hectares in Vo Tranh commune, Phu Luong district); Yen Lac Multi-purpose Cultural Complex and Ecological Urban Area (about 382 hectares in Yen Lac commune); Phu Luong hi-tech agricultural zone (about 139.8 hectares in Dong Dat commune, Yen Lac commune, Phu Luong district). Currently, FLC Group is cooperating with localities to carry out steps of research, planning, project completion, appraisal, and submission to competent authorities, striving to start at least 1 project in 2021 and give priority to the fields that the Company has proposed to invest in the province.

Mr. Trinh Viet Hung - Chairman of Thai Nguyen Provincial People’s Committee works with FLC Group Joint Stock Company. Photo Lang Khoa

The representative of FLC Group Joint Stock Company presents some investment projects. Photo Lang Khoa.

At the meeting, the leader of FLC Group Joint Stock Company and representatives of the consulting unit presented investment plans. The departments, branches and localities of the province showed their opinions about projects. After that, the Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee gave instructions to remove the obstacles and problems. At the same time, he suggested that related departments and localities need to coordinate closely with FLC Group Joint Stock Company to speed up the implementation progress, and quickly complete the procedures basing on regulations of law, hand over clean land as soon as possible, especially for projects that FLC Group JSC prioritizes to invest in: Linh Son - Huong Thuong New Urban Area; FLC Thai Nguyen Residential, Entertainment and Resort Area, Yen Lac Multi-purpose Cultural Complex and Ecological Urban Area, Pho Co Urban Area. The Chairman also noted that FLC Group Joint Stock Company should select and propose preferred projects to invest in, avoiding taking time. FLC Group Joint Stock Company is a Vietnamese enterprise with 8 member companies dealing in the fields of land, resort and golf, air transportation, high-tech agriculture, financial investment, education, health...