15,000 units of blood were donated through Blood for Vietnamese 2020

08:54, 11/03/2021

Blood for Vietnamese 2020 programme of Samsung Viet Nam which was launched from December 2020, were successfully collected 15,000 units of blood, bringing the total units of blood that Samsung Vietnam’s employees have donated since 2010 to 100,000 units of blood. 

This programme is the part of the annual voluntary blood donation series, coordinated by Samsung Viet Nam with the National Institute of Haematology and Blood Transfusion, Steering Committee for Voluntary Blood Donation, Red Cross of Bac Ninh and Thai Nguyen provinces. 

Mr Choi Joo Ho, General Director of Samsung Viet Nam said “we are very happy that the programme received the enthusiastic participation from a lot of Vietnamese as well as Korean employees. Hopefully, the units of blood that Samsung employees have donated will help patients”. 

 “Blood for Vietnamese 2020” collected 15,000 units of blood to help patients.

 Blood for Vietnamese 2020 received the enthusiastic participation from a lot of Vietnamese as well as Korean employees.

Dr. Bach Quoc Khanh, Director of National Institute of Haematology and Blood Transfusion said “Over the past decade, Samsung Viet Nam has actively implemented blood donation activities. Even in 2020, during the COVID-19 pandemic, Samsung still ensured an appropriate and safe plan for blood donation. The valuable support of Samsung Viet Nam’s employees help Health sector reduce the lack of blood units and spread the human value in the community”.

It is known that on March 2021, Samsung Viet Nam contributed 750 million VND to support Red Cross of Bac Ninh and Thai Nguyen provinces and National Institute of Haematology and Blood Transfusion. In particular, nearly 400 million VND was supported the patients with blood diseases of National Institute of Haematology and Blood Transfusion. 

Since 2010 to now, Samsung Viet Nam contributed nearly 6 billion VND to the 3 units.