International friendship exchange program celebrating the 50th anniversary of the ASEAN foundation

11:31, 31/12/2018

On the December 28, at the Museum of Vietnamese Folk Culture, the Union of Friendship Organizations held an international friendship exchange program celebrating the 50th anniversary of the ASEAN foundation (8/8/1967 - 8/8/2017).


Attending the program were representatives from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Union of Vietnam Friendship Organizations; Representatives of several ASEAN embassies: Laos, Indonesia, the Philippines ... and a number of foreign non-governmental organizations. On the Thai Nguyen side, there were Mr. Vu Hong Bac, Deputy Secretary of the provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the provincial People's Committee; Le Van Tuan, Member of the Standing Committee, Head of the provincial Commission for Propaganda and Education, President of the Union of Friendship Organizations.

Over the past 50 years of development, ASEAN has proven to be a dynamic region that is highly adaptable to the changing world and the region. The role and position of ASEAN in the international arena has been improved and the Association has also become the common home of the 10 member countries, which is an important economic and political entity in the Asia-Pacific region and is an important partner in regional policy of major countries. According to statistics from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, businesses from ASEAN countries investing in Vietnam now account for 45% of total FDI projects with a total investment of $ 61.65 billion. In 2016, trade turnover between Vietnam and ASEAN reached $ 41 billion.

In the program, representatives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, embassies of some ASEAN countries said that international friendly exchanges are evidence of sincere goodwill of Thai Nguyen people along with ASEAN countries, deepening cooperation and enhancing friendly exchanges among ASEAN countries.

Mr. Vu Hong Bac expressed his wish that the Embassies of ASEAN countries and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs continue to pay attention and create favorable conditions to promote and introduce the image and investment environment of the province; coordinated to call for investors to Thai Nguyen; Linked foreign partners in training, raising resources for the province in many fields, contributing positively to the socio-economic development of the locality.

In the program, many delegates were enjoying many special performances celebrating the Fatherland of Vietnam, praising the friendship between the ASEAN countries by the provincial art delegation and overseas students in ASEAN countries are studying in Thai Nguyen.

On the same day, representatives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and embassies of some ASEAN countries paid courtesy visit to Mr. Vu Hong Bac, Chairman of the People's Committee. At the meeting, Mr. Vu Hong Bac introduced to the delegation some outstanding achievements of Thai Nguyen in socio-economic development in the past years and the province's interest in the activities of Enterprises, pupils, students of ASEAN countries. Representatives of several ASEAN embassies expressed their joy at the development achievements of the province and appreciated the goodwill of the province to ASEAN businessmen and students and expressed their wish to strengthen Cooperation with the province in the fields of culture, tourism, education...

Previously, representatives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and embassies of some ASEAN countries visited the traditional tea area of Tan Cuong (Thai Nguyen city) and enjoyed the Thai Nguyen special tea products.