Promote friendly cooperation and investment promotion in Europe

11:31, 16/11/2018

Following the success of the investment promotion conference and the implementation of the foreign affairs plan in 2018, Thai Nguyen recently sent a delegation of 14 officials and 10 representatives from the Thai Nguyen Women Entrepreneurs Association, Association of Small and Medium Enterprises to participate in the program of trade promotion in the Republic of Finland, Poland and France. The delegation was led by Mr. Trinh Viet Hung, Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee. 

In the Republic of Finland, the delegation had a meeting with the Vietnamese Embassy in Finland, Ms. Pham Thi Ngoc Bich, highly appreciated Thai Nguyen's initiative to organize a program of promoting trade and investment in Finland on the basis of promoting cooperation with Salo (Finland) with the potential and advantages of the province in terms of geographical location, infrastructure, industry, agriculture, human resources… The Ambassador affirmed that it would provide maximum support to localities including Thai Nguyen to promote friendly cooperation as well as economic development of Thai Nguyen with Finland.

On October 29, the provincial mission worked with Finfund Foundation, Finnish Trade Association, University of Finland. Vietnamese Ambassador Pham Thi Ngoc Bich, representatives of 25 Finnish credit institutions and enterprises interested in investment potential in Vietnam attented the program.

 At the meeting, Mr. Trinh Viet Hung, Vice Chairman of the provincial People's Committee introduced the province's potentials as well as preferential mechanisms and policies in attracting investment. Provincial Women's Union briefly introduced two projects, namely: "Establishing the Institute of Supportive Education for the Sustainable Development of Women in Thai Nguyen Province"; Project "Credit Fund to support women innovation - creative start-up in organic farming"; Representatives of Thai Hung Trading Joint Stock Company introduced the Eco Valley project. The information provided by the members of the delegation has been welcomed by Finnish investors, especially on environmental projects, organic agriculture, waste water treatment, and the provision of ODA. ... 

Also at the working program, under the witness of the Embassy of Vietnam in Finland, the leaders of Thai Nguyen province, the President of the Finnish Trade Association and the funds, Eco Valley Chamber of Commerce (Trade Joint Stock Company Thai Hung) has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the University of Finland to invest in and transfer international standard training programs, studying the training models in line with the criteria of both sides on educational experience, digital technology, tourism and agriculture…

 In the Republic of Poland, on the 30th and 31st of October, the provincial delegation had a working program with the Lower Silesian government. The delegation attended the workshop with the participation of representatives of 29 organizations and enterprises of your province. At this workshop, after hearing about the potential and strength of the province as well as preferential mechanisms and policies in attracting investment, Mr. Piter Harasimowicz - Head of the Polish Ministry of Foreign Trade Ho Chi Minh City and Mr. Hubert Papaj, Chairman of the Board of Economic Cooperation of Lower Silesia Province, made comments, assessed and compared advantages of Thai Nguyen with neighboring partners; presenting Poland's export support policy and practical issues in developing the market in Vietnam; Information on opportunities for cooperation between Lower Silesia and Thai Nguyen province also introduces investment opportunities in Lower Silesia.

The organizations and enterprises of the two provinces have exchanged enthusiasm for many contents of mutual interest such as: supporting women enterprises, gender equality, capacity building for women; vocational training and job introduction for women, skills to build a happy family, prevention of domestic violence; trade cooperation, export, tourism development, training, organic agriculture ...

At this program, the Eco Valley Chamber of Commerce (Thai Hung Trading) signed two memoranda of understanding with the Lower Silesian Economic Co-operation Agency and the Lower Silesian Tourist Association in the same study in promoting the Eco Valley project and connecting with the Lower Silesia Association of Small and Medium Businesses…

On October 31, the provincial delegation had a working session with Mr. Cezary PRZYBYLSKI, Marshal of the Lower Silesian Voivodship (Poland) and the following sectors: Planning, Investment, International Relations, Women of the Marshal area...

In the afternoon of the same day, the delegation visited the biggest water treatment plant in Poland and visited the city of Wrolaw (lower Silesian province). This is a smart city with more than 700,000 inhabitants, 99% of the population is supplied with drinking water with European standard (direct drinking), city water supply pipe is longer than 2,000 km with 48,000 meters. It is also a city that is highly regarded for its synchronicity and holistic character in modern urban construction. 

During the work program, members of the delegation visited some famous models of tourism development, architecture and planning of Ban Lan and the French Republic.

Finland is with an area of 390,000 square kilometers and a population of about 5.5 million. Finland is a country of forests and wood; Forest area is 202,000 km2, accounting for 75% of the country; There are 647 rivers with a total length of 25,000 km; 79,000 km of roads; 10,000 km of waterway; nearly 3.3 million cars; The country has 168,000 large and small lakes; Finland's GDP in 2015 reached € 251 billion. The Finnish administration has various levels: Parliament; President; Goverment; Region, province; self-administration unit. Finland is a world famous country for equality between men and women; world-class education; have a comprehensive welfare and social welfare system.

Lower Silesia is a province in south-western Poland, one of the 16 provinces of the Republic of Poland. The province has an area of nearly 20,000 km2 with a population of about 3 million; convenient transportation system (international airport, road connection with the Federal Republic of Germany, Czech Republic); It is one of the most prosperous provinces in Poland with abundant resources (lead ore, coal, etc.), a diversified agriculture, high technology industry (automotive technology, information technology ...); the province with the highest growth rate in Poland; There are many historical sites, places of interest; experience in business support, start-up support, and also Poland's largest FDI attraction.