World Bank Mission worked in Thai Nguyen

21:20, 05/09/2018

In the morning of September 05, Mr. Vu Hong Bac, Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee welcomed the World Bank mission (WB) led by Mr. Ousmane Dione, WB Country Director Male Head of the delegation.

At the meeting, Mr. Dione affirmed the WB's commitment to continue the implementation of strategic cooperation projects to develop Thai Nguyen province, becoming an important driving force for economic development in Northern mountainous economic area. At the same time, Thai Nguyen province should continue to pay attention to the effective implementation of cooperation projects between the two parties to ensure progress, timeliness and success.


The World Bank mission dialogued with students of Thai Nguyen University.

Replied to the affirmation, Mr. Vu Hong Bac said that Thai Nguyen province has been implementing effective resources, including many projects have been signed Memorandum of understanding with WB. He also expressed his hope that the WB will continue to implement more cooperation programs, development for Thai Nguyen, especially in infrastructure development.

Previously, the WB mission worked with Thai Nguyen University on the University's development strategy and in sync with WB-funded projects; the efforts of Thai Nguyen University's member schools to improve the link between the workplace and the training program for students. Mr. Dione also met with nearly 400 Thai Nguyen University students in regards to future employment trends, job opportunities for students, skills needed to work in the environment. modern school.

In the afternoon of the same day, the delegation had a meeting with the Technical College of Economics (Thai Nguyen University) and Samsung Electronics Vietnam Co., Ltd. - Thai Nguyen.