Use endoscopic method to patch the Toan's heart

09:33, 26/07/2018

At 8:41 am local time, professors and doctors at Samsung Hospital (Seoul, South Korea) began conducting heart surgery for Dam Tien Toan, 6 years old, from the village of Tien Hoi, Dai Tu district, Thai Nguyen province.

After nearly one hour of complete endoscopic surgery, the surgical team found a hole in her heart.

Professor Song Jin Young, the main operative of the surgical team, said: "Toan was contracted at the heart, one of the most common congenital heart diseases, accounting for nearly 30% of congenital heart disease. To seal the hole in his heart, the operative put a small catheter from the femoral vein up to the heart, using a special device to place an artificial patch to seal the pectoralis while his heart was still full, normal beat.

This is a modern laparoscopic procedure, which has been used by Samsung Hospital to treat thousands of patients inside and outside Korea. The advantage of this method is the small incision, the ability to recover quickly, reduce pain compared with open surgery. The length of hospital stay after surgery was also significantly shortened, less complications, less risk of wound infection.


Picture of his heart during surgery.

Until the afternoon of July 24, Toan was completely awake and recovering. Professor Song Jin Young said that the operation was successful, the vent hole was blocked. Toan will continue to be monitored, treated closely after surgery, if no abnormal symptoms appear, after about 5 to 6 days, Toan will be discharged and returned to Vietnam.