Give decisions, certificates and memorandums of cooperation to 50 projects

15:44, 02/07/2018

On July 1, Thai Nguyen province organized the Investment Promotion Conference in 2018. This is the largest investment promotion of the province ever. Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc attended and delivered a speech at the conference.  

Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc, former General Secretary Nong Duc Manh and leaders of central and local ministries and departments visited the exhibition of industrial products in Thai Nguyen province. Photographer: Vu Cong

Attending the conference were comrades: Nong Duc Manh, former General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Vietnam; Nguyen Hoa Binh, Secretary of the central committee, The chief judge of the Supreme People's Court; Senior Lieutenant General Lieutenant General Pham Thanh Ngan, hero of the People's Armed Forces, former Politburo Commissioner, former Head of the Political Bureau of the Vietnam People's Army; Mr. Phung Quoc Hien, Member of the Party Central Committee, Congress vice president; leaders of ministries, central branches, diplomatic missions, representatives of provinces and cities.
On the Thai Nguyen province, there are comrades: Tran Quoc To, Member of the Party Central Committee, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Head of the Provincial Delegation of the National Assembly; Bui Xuan Hoa, Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People's Council; Vu Hong Bac, Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee; comrades in the provincial Standing Committee; leaders of People's Councils, People's Committees, Provincial Fatherland Front Committee; leaders of departments, localities; the former leaders of Thai Nguyen province in all periods; sponsors, business community representatives and investors, and press agencies attending the conference.

Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc and leaders of ministries, central and local departments visit the exhibition to introduce the investment project. Photographer: Vu Cong

Delegates attending the conference. Photographer: Manh Hung

Speaking to more than 800 delegates, Mr. Vu Hong Bac highlighted the potentials, strengths and achievements in attracting investment and socio-economic development of the province in the coming years, especially from 2016 to now. Accordingly, Thai Nguyen has many advantages for developing industry, promoting the development of tourism, services and urban areas, as well as developing agriculture, forestry and environmental protection.

In recent years, the attention of the Government, ministries, central branches, together with the efforts and determination of the Party, authorities and people of different ethnic groups, Thai Nguyen province are developing comprehensive, sync on all fields, a number of goals, targets with breakthroughs; The people's living standard has been improved, the urban development is civilized and modern; Rural development has reached the new rural criteria, political security and social order and safety are guaranteed; building a positive political system:

The economic growth rate (GRDP) in the local area for the last 20 years (1997-2017) reached 11% / year; In the five-year period (2012-2017), the average growth rate reached 16.7% / year; The economic structure has shifted sharply towards increasing the ratio of industry - construction, trade and services. The value of industrial production reached 571 trillion in 2017, 22.6 times fold in 2010; on average in the last 5 years (period 2012-2017), industrial production value increased by an average of 82.5% per year. Export value in 2017 reached 23.56 billion USD (accounting for 11% of the total export value of the country), 212 times higher than 2010, 934 times more than in 1997. Budget revenue increased rapidly, ranked 16 / 63 provinces and cities.

Contributing to this impressive achievement, Chairman of Thai Nguyen People's Committee recognized, praised and appreciated the contribution and cooperation of the business community and business people.

At the conference, President of Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry (VCCI); Country Director of the World Bank in Vietnam, Director of Samsung Vietnam in Thai Nguyen, Chairman of Masan Business Association, Chairman of Masan Group all affirmed the potential and advantages of Thai Nguyen as well as the great effort and companionship of the Party Committee, the local government, the support of the people. At the same time, it proposes to the Government and the province a number of contents to create more favorable conditions for the business community in the process of operation and expansion of production and business.

Speaking at the meeting, the Prime Minister praised and congratulated Thai Nguyen on organizing the Investment Promotion Conference in 2018. The Prime Minister shared that during the past time, the Prime Minister had attended investment promotion conferences in many provinces and cities throughout the country. This time to Thai Nguyen, the Prime Minister was impressed by the presence of not only domestic investors, but also the participation of many foreign enterprises and international organizations. That shows the success of this conference. The Prime Minister once again expressed the impression of outstanding results of the province in socio-economic development in the first half of implementing the Resolution of the 19th Provincial Party Congress, term 2015-2020.

Prime Minister affirmed, with much potential, advantages, Thai Nguyen must become a growth pole of the North and the country. However, the Prime Minister also emphasized, all and all potential, forecast will forever be only dream if the province does not have the right vision and solutions, effective measures. Therefore, the Prime Minister said that Thai Nguyen province should identify the big vision, deep enough, broad enough in development and consider 4 major directions.  Firstly, Thai Nguyen must become the leading industrial, service and creative center of the North and the country in the close linkage between FDI enterprises and private enterprises. The second is to leverage Samsung's leadership role as a driving force, creating a positive spill that attracts many foreign businesses into high-tech industries, building sustainable links and building capacity. Engage in governance for domestic enterprises. The third is to form the economy with three pillars, namely the development of high technology industry, with the core of electronic industry and related supporting industries, which are associated with tourism, The development of education and training and health services has gradually become an important economic sector in the locality and the third pillar is the development of organic agriculture and smart agriculture. Fourthly, in parallel with economic development, Thai Nguyen needs to be exemplary in environmental protection, long-term urban planning, friendly government building, open investment environment, transport infrastructure. Convenient, clean living environment, safe, become a place attractive enough investors, Thai Nguyen city must become a living city. To do this, the Prime Minister has suggested 9 solutions to the province, in which the Prime Minister emphasized the companionship with businessmen, businessmen of the Party Committee, local government and people in the province.

At the end of the speech, the Prime Minister suggested investors promise, speech must go with the work, avoid the status of granting investment license majestic but delay implementation. In production, pay attention to environmental protection, laborers living. On the government side, the Government will continue to ensure macroeconomic stability, maintain a peaceful environment, improve the business investment environment, protect legitimate and legitimate interests of investors, assuring business equality.

At the conference, leaders of Thai Nguyen province handed over decision approving investment policy, investment certificate and memorandum of cooperation for 50 projects with total investment of nearly 47 trillion VND. The four joint stock commercial banks also awarded 12 billion VND to the province to implement social security in the province.

Arts program welcome the conference. Photographer: Hoai Anh

Before the official investment promotion conference was held, the provincial People's Committee coordinated with Xuan Truong Construction Company to hold the groundbreaking ceremony of the Bac Son road project (extended Nui Coc Lake Road). The project has a total investment of nearly 2.5 trillion VND, 9.5 km long, the design of urban roads, design speed of 60km / hour, two new bridges.