Tourist season Openingin Thai Nguyen 2018

18:29, 07/04/2018

In the evening of April 04 , at Thai Hai Ecotourism Village (Thai Nguyen city), the provincial People's Committee held the opening ceremony of the Thai Nguyen Tourist Season in 2018 with the theme " History, Thai Nguyen ecology”.

The comrades in the Standing Committee of the provincial Party Committee, leaders of departments, departments of the province; Representatives of the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism and seven provinces in the Northern Mountain Division attended.

This is one of the annual activities organized by Thai Nguyen province to promote the propaganda and promotion of socio-economic and socio-economic characteristics, potentials, strengths and typical tourist products to domestic and international tourists. The tourism season in 2018 event contributes to promoting tourism investment and development, creating conditions for tourism enterprises in and outside the province to cooperate tours, routes and promote the value of typicaltourism products to attract tourists. At the same time, raising people's awareness about the location, role and importance of tourism development in the process of provincial socio-economic development.

Mr. Trinh Viet Hung, Vice Chairman of the provincial People's Committee bum the drum at the opening ceremony of Thai Nguyen tourism season 2018.

On this occasion, the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism announced the ASEAN Sustainable Tourism Award for the Thai Nguyen Ecological Tourist Village. This is an award for the best destinations, hotels, tourism businesses in Southeast Asia by the ASEAN Tourism Forum.

Mr. Ha Van Sieu, Deputy Director General of Vietnam National Administration of Tourism awarded the logo, announces the ASEAN Sustainable Tourism Award for the Thai Hai Ecological Stable Village.

At the opening ceremony, Mr. Trinh Viet Hung, Vice Chairman of the provincial People's Committee stressed that Thai Nguyen is a province with many beautiful landscapes, associated with historical monuments, special culture and children. friendly, hospitable. Currently, the province is investing to make tourism become a key economic sector. The government and people of ethnic groups always welcome domestic and international tourists to Thai Nguyen.

Tourists go on stilts at the Thai Hai Eco-House Reserve.

In the framework of the event, the Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism has organized many cultural, arts, sports and tourism activities; building display booths for tourism products; Surveying typical tourist sites and tourist spots of Thai Nguyen with products of cultural tourism, eco-resorts...