Build together a solidarity unity, cooperation and development

17:14, 17/04/2018

Laos and Cambodia have many festivals, many Tet holidays, but Tet Bun pi may in Laos, Chol festival in Cambodia is the largest and most sacred Tet, the Buddhist calendar usually takes place in the middle of April , from April 13th to 15th, annually, from the dry season to the rainy season.

The Vietnam-Laos Friendship Association of Thai Nguyen province was established in early 2009, and from then on, the Association coordinated with other agencies, organizations and schools of Lao and Cambodian students to celebrate Tet for leaders of provinces, leaders of districts, cities, towns, agencies and organizations congratulate Lao and Cambodian students in Thai Nguyen as well as  good wishes for the Lunar New Year to officials and employees of the Lao Embassy in Vietnam.

Vietnam and Laos are backed by the mighty Truong Son Mountains, sharing the border of over 2340km, passing through 10 provinces of Vietnam and 10 provinces of Laos. The two countries have many similarities in terms of ethnic culture. In the history of the struggle for national building and defense, especially since the Indochinese Communist Party was in power, relations between the two countries became particularly deep. The people of the two countries stand side by side opposing the common enemy, together with the goal of national liberation and the building of socialism. The special relationship, comprehensive cooperation between Vietnam and Laos has become the inevitable rule, creating the power to win the victory of the two countries

Vietnam and Cambodia share a border line of more than 1200 km, stretching across 10 provinces of Vietnam and 9 provinces of Cambodia, have a tradition of solidarity in the struggle against invading enemies and build the country.

During the 9-year resistance war against the French invaders (1946 - 1954), Thai Nguyen was honored to be selected by Uncle Ho and the Central Committee as the center of the Viet Bac War Zone, the capital of resistance (ATK Dinh Hoa). Here, President Ho Chi Minh and the leaders of the Central Committee of the Party and State of Vietnam have welcomed and worked with Mr. Cay Xon Phom Vi Han, Prince Xu Pha Nu Vong and many leaders Laos network. This is also the place where the Party Central Committee and the General Staff of the Vietnam People's Army and the leaders of the two countries set up the policy to build the Combat Alliance in Indochina to help to liberate the Lao and Cambodian national liberation.

In the two wars against the French colonialists and the American imperialists, more than 7,000 cadres, soldiers and youth volunteers of the Thai Nguyen ethnic groups came to fight and work side by side the military and people of Laos and Cambodia.

Since the 50s of the last century, Thai Nguyen province has become the place to welcome Laos students to study in cultural and professional schools. Many Lao students at that time grew up in revolutionary struggles, holding important positions of the Lao Party and State from central to local. Typical comrades such as Comrade Bun Nhang Vo Ra Chit has studied at Luong Ngoc Quyen School. He is currently in charge of the General Secretary and President of the Lao People's Democratic Republic. Today, Thai Nguyen province has become a center for education and training of human resources for Laos, brother country.

In the last few years, the number of Lao students studying at universities in Thai Nguyen has been increasing. In the 2008-2009 school year, only 27 Lao students were studying at three universities and one cultural school (under Ministry of Public Security). In the 2017-2018 academic year, nearly 2,000 Lao students and 60 Cambodian students are studying in 13 universities, including 8 universities, 3 colleges and 01 cultural school. It consists of 4 training systems of high school, college, university and postgraduate with hundreds of different professions. The Vietnam-Laos Friendship Association considers this an important task that needs to be taken care of, organizing people's friendly activities so that after returning home, you will become competent specialists and Factors contributing to the traditional relationship of solidarity between Vietnam and Laos and Thai Nguyen with Laos and Cambodia.

On the occasion of Bunpimay New Year, from April 8th to 15th, the schools of Lao and Cambodian students organize cultural activities, sports, sightseeing, entertainment, enjoy Tet, wring the wrist ceremony, water falls according to your country's custom, and Laos and Cambodia students exchanges with Vietnamese youth, students and international students.

Nearly 2,000 Laos students have formed the Lao community in Thai Nguyen, concentrated in Thai Nguyen city and Song Cong city. You brought to Thai Nguyen typical culture of Laos such as pyramidal dance, folk song, customs of Lao tribe.

Most of the Lao and Cambodian students are hard-working and well-educated, they have a lot of good friends, they live in harmony with Vietnamese students and international students, school teachers and staff are interested as your child. Many families have welcomed you home for the weekend or holidays, Tet. In the social activities, there are you won the provincial level in a number of cultural exchanges, sports, contest of beautiful women.

In 2018, the Vietnam-Laos Friendship Association of Thai Nguyen province organized many activities to mark the 10th anniversary of the establishment of the Vietnam-Laos Friendship Association in Thai Nguyen province (15/3/2009 - 15/3/2019) and The third Vietnam-Laos Friendship Association meeting will be held in 2019-2024 with the second Vietnam-Lao Friendship Games in Thai Nguyen in the fourth quarter of 2018.

We are proud to inherit and promote good traditions of special relations Vietnam - Laos, Vietnam - Laos - Cambodia solidarity relations. In the course of international integration, the complicated situation of the world and the Party's foreign policy must be further strengthened, Vietnam - Laos - Cambodia cooperation is constantly developing, forever green, forever sustainable!