Hua Phan province Delegation visited and wished traditional Lunar New Year Thai Nguyen Province

17:07, 22/01/2018

On January 19, the delegation led by Mr. Kham Von Bun Tha Vong, Deputy Secretary General and Chairman of People's Council of Hua Phan Province (Lao People's Democratic Republic) paid a visit and wished traditional Lunar New Year to Thai Nguyen leaders and people. Mr. Bui Xuan Hoa, Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People's Council and leaders of the provincial departments and sectors met and worked with the delegation.

Mr. Bui Xuan Hoa introduced to the delegation about Thai Nguyen province, socio-economic situation in 2017 and carry on missions in 2018 right from the beginning of the new year. The province gave many policies to encourage economic development, business development and attract investment to contribute to the growth of Socio-economic targets in recent years. There are more than 6,000 enterprises in the province, of which 130 are foreign-invested enterprises, contributing to job creation and improving the people's life. Thai Nguyen is also the center of education and training of the country, where have been trainedmany Laos officers. At present, more than Laos 2,000 students have studied at the universities, colleges and vocational schools, of which over 100 students study in Thai Nguyen province each year.

On behalf of the delegation, Mr. Kham Von Bun Tha Vong handed over the new year greetings of leaders and people of different ethnic groups in Hua Phan to the Thai Nguyen leaders and peoples on the occasion of welcoming the traditional New Mau Tuat Year as well as wishes the two branches and localities continue to promote cooperation in diplomatic relations and external relations to further tighten the friendship between the two nations and peoples. Hua Phan was also a revolutionary base in the resistance war, as well as an address linking revolutionary activities, directing the resistance of the Party and State leaders of the two countries during the war against French colonialism and American empire. So, Thai Nguyen and ATK Dinh Hoa also have many historical marks diplomatic relations of the two countries.

Mr. Kham Von Bun Tha Vong affirmed: "Thai Nguyen and Hua Phan have had a traditional relationship for many years, two provinces have also signed a cooperation agreement development. With the achievements of Thai Nguyen province in recent years, we are looking forward to more cooperation and support, especially the development of education and training of human resources for Hua Phan Province" .

At present, there are tens of enterprises in Hua Phan from Thai Nguyen province. Thai Nguyen province has provided a portion of the budget to some overseas students in Hua Phan province.