Samsung Electronics Vietnam Co., Ltd gave 3,500 gifts for disadvantaged students

09:58, 10/11/2017

In the afternoon of November 8th, Samsung Electronics Vietnam Co., Ltd cooperated with Thai Nguyen People's Committee and Korea Food for the Hungry International (Korea) to give 3,500 gifts 1.8 billion VND) for disadvantaged students in the province. Mr. Trinh Viet Hung, Vice Chairman of the provincial People's Committee attended.

The program aims to motivate, encourage the learning spirit of disadvantaged students to rise in learning. At the gift-giving ceremony, student Nguyen Van Tuan (Song Cong City), Hanoi Industrial University was also honored by the provincial People's Committee for gaining the Certificate of Excellence (Mechanical Engineering CAD ) in the World Talent Competition held last October in Abu Dhabi (United Arab Emirates).

Speaking at the award ceremony, Mr. Trinh Viet Hung thanked the attention of leaders of Samsung Electronics Vietnam Co., Ltd. to disadvantaged students in the province as well as expressed that in the coming time, the Company will continue to provide more support to the poor students to help them confidently to school. On this occasion, he also proposed to the provincial People's Committee reward for student Nguyen Van Tuan.