International conference on culture, environment and economic development of ethnic minority areas

10:55, 20/09/2017

On September 18, the National Committee for Ethnic Minorities cooperated with Thai Nguyen University of Agriculture and Forestry (Thai Nguyen University) organizing an international conference on "Regional Dialogue on Economic, Cultural and Environmental Development in the ethnic minority areas ". Attending the conference were Mr. Do Van Chien, Member of the Party Central Committee, Minister, Chairman of the Committee for Ethnic Minority Affairs; Representative of Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development; Experts of some organizations: International Labor ILO, POINT in Myanmar; Representatives from Thailand, Laos and Myanmar; Leaders of Vietnamese mountainous provinces. Mr. Doan Van Tuan, Vice Chairman of the provincial People's Committee and leaders of functional departments represented for Thai Nguyen Province attending the conference.

Under the topic of "Sharing experiences on ethnic work, harmonious development of culture, environment, mountainous and ethnic minorities economy", the conference received over 20 presentations from international experts, representatives from the agricultural, forestry, cultural and social sectors in Vietnam and other countries in the region. At the conference, Mr. Doan Van Tuan shared his experiences on socio-economic development in the provincial ethnic minority areas in recent years, highlighted issues and contents: Preferential policies to support credit for investment in production development; To formulate a system of mechanisms and policies on price subsidies and subsidies for agricultural and forestry materials annually; To support priority policies for development investment of education and training, sedentarization policy and sustainable development in association with the new rural development program.

At the conference, national and international delegates mentioned many issues of culture, society, customs and habits of ethnic minorities, and made recommendations on formality, investment solutions, development support for ethnic minority areas.

At the conference, Ethnic Minority Leader gave a cooperation agreement on development of ethnic minority areas to representatives of the Ministry of Home Affairs of the Lao People's Democratic Republic to contribute to promote the socio-economic development of the Ethnic minorities as well as strengthen the cooperation and connection between the two countries and peoples.