Association diplomacy, economy and culture

15:20, 16/08/2017

In the morning of August 15, the delegation of the Central Committee for External Relations led by Mr. Nguyen Tuan Phong, Deputy Head of the Delegation had a working session in Thai Nguyen Province and was welcomed by Mr. Bui Xuan Hoa, Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People's Council; Leaders of the People's Council, the provincial People's Committee, the Party building boards of the provincial Party Committee and related departments.

At the meeting, leaders of the provincial People's Committee reported on the situation of Thai Nguyen foreign affairs. In the past years, the foreign affairs of the provincial Party Committee have been paid attention and directed in time by leaders of the Party and the authorities. The provincial Standing Committee issued Directive No. 10-CT/TU dated  September 22, 2011 on continuing to renovate and improve the effectiveness of the people's external affairs in the new situation in the province and required Party Committees to thoroughly understand and organize to imprement effectively. The province has organized many delegations to promote investment and trade abroad such as the United States, Sweden, Japan, Korea; Hold a conference to meet entrepreneurs. Thai Nguyen has signed cooperation agreements with Gyeongsangbuk-do (South Korea), Linkoping (Sweden), Luang Prabang (Laos). In the first 7 months of 2017, provincial export value is estimated about $13.92 billion, up 32.5% over the same period; Attract more 10 FDI projects with a total registered capital of $6.86 million; Up to now, there are 126 valid FDI projects in the province with total registered capital of $7.2 billion, mainly projects of Korea, China, Taiwan and Japan…


At the meeting, the province asked the Central Committee for Foreign Affairs to regularly provide information on the orientation and situation of cooperation between Vietnam and other countries and international organizations; To create conditions for Thai Nguyen to participate in foreign missions of the Party's agencies, the Government, Ministries and Branches; Interested in introducing and directing ODA, FDI, NGO and development cooperation programs in the field of rural development, poverty reduction, people capacity improvement, waste treatment, water waste...


At the meeting, Mr. Nguyen Tuan Phong appreciated the Thai Nguyen efforts in foreign affairs, attracting process and calling for investment in the area over time. He also suggested that the province continue to exploit the strengths of the regional center, have high quality human resources to attract investment, and sign cooperative programs to develop social economy appropriately, promote the economic and cultural diplomacy, promote the image and inform the local strengths, participate in trade promotion conferences, promote investment to exploit cooperative opportunities effectively, trade with foreign partners.


On this occasion, the Central Committee of Foreign Affairs awarded the medal "For the cause of the Party foreign affairs" to 5 leaders of the province and branches.


In the afternoon, the delegation visited the new rural model sponsored by the Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA) in Phuong Tien commune (Dinh Hoa) to exchange about the results of cooperation between localities and KOICA, South Korean localities in the field of agricultural and rural development, advantages, disadvantages and suggestions of localities in the promotion, mobilization and implementation process with foreign programs and projects.