The Mining Task Force visited the Nui Phao Project

20:06, 17/05/2017

Within the framework of the Second APEC Senior Officials Meeting (SOM2) taking place at the National Convention Center (My Dinh, Hanoi) from May 9 to May 15, there were a series of meetings Including a meeting on mine closure on May 10 and the Public-private dialogue of The Mining Task Force (MTF) on May 11 to focus on finding mining solutions, effective and sustainable minerals consumption. At the meeting, Mr. Dominic Heaton - General Director of Masan Resources Group attended and introduced Nui Phao mine, mining operations, Vietnamese and international compliance standards; and sustainable development goals at the Nui Phao mine.

Within the framework of this conference, the Ministry of Industry and Trade in collaboration with Nui Phao Minning welcomed the APEC delegation including experts, economists and officials, staff under the Ministry of minerals from Australia, Canada, Chile, China, the United States, Thailand, the Philippines... visiting Nui Phao mine on May 12, 2017. The delegation visited the outdoor mine, the ore processing plant, Ore tail dam, the south Song Cong resettlement area, the local businesses established under the economic recovery program of Nui Phao Project ...


Members of the mission were very impressed in organizing and managing the mine, particularly appreciating the greening of empty land for environmental restoration and protection; investment in technology and modern machinery; construction, parts arrangement, neat and scientific production process...


A delegate from the Philippines commented, "I have been working in the mining industry for years, visiting numerous mines in Indonesia, Africa, Malaysia, Thailand ... but I was very surprised and interested in Nui Phao mines by its orderliness and cleanliness. I highly appreciate the green area that no place is so focused".