Thai Nguyen Cup SKZIC Football competition in 2017

21:01, 28/05/2017

On May 27, at the Hoang Van Thu Paper Factory stadium, Thai Nguyen City, Thuy Thinh Trade and Services Co., Ltd (Distribution No. 1  Imported SKZIC oil, Korean in Thai Nguyen Province) cooperation with TECKCOM Technology Trade Co., Ltd. (the sole importer of ZIC trademark of SK Lubricants Group) organized the " Thai Nguyen Cup SKZIC Football League in 2017".

Participating in this year's football tournament are 8 teams from Thai Nguyen Driving Club (CLB) from Thai Nguyen City, Song Cong City, Pho Yen Town and districts Dai Tu, Phu Luong, Phu Binh, Vo Nhai, Dong Hy and Dinh Hoa.


After an excited and hectic compitition day, with the enthusiastic cheers of the supporters and the hard play of the players, the audience has witnessed many excited matches, many spectacular scored goals. With impressive gameplay, finishing the league, Thai Nguyen City football team won the Best Prize; The second prize belongs to Dai Tu district football team and the third prize belongs to Vo Nhai district - Dong Hy district Football team.


This is the first year that the Korean SKZIC oil has organized a football competition to create a healthy playground, promote the sports movement in the province in general and the club in particular. The campaign aims to raise funds for the club and express gratitude to club members who directly sell, use and trust along with the Korea SKZIC oil for 6 years.